Magento 2 Trust Badge

Trust Badge is a signal indicating the trust of another reliable brand. If a store has a trust badge, it may increase its sales because of having trust from the customer. If not, your visitors do not trust you, they will never become your customers. In order to ensure them your Magento 2 website is a safe, we recommend you to add a Google Trusted Stores or Trust Badge to your store. Each badge is only available for those shops that corresponds to certain requirements. Integration with both Trusted Stores and Trusted Shops is available via the following extensions:
+ Google Trusted Stores Magento 2 Extension
+Trust Badge InMagento 2
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Google Trusted, Trusted Shops and Magento 2 Trust Badge
But within the scope of the article, I will just discuss about Trust Badge to you.
The Magento 2 Trust Badges provides the store owner the permission to add in trust badges to store checkout page. The store admin can felixibly use any types of badges like suggested badges or even upload other kinds of seals to suit with the businesses.

Configure And Enable Trust Badge

In this article, I will show you How to configure and enable Trust Badge integrated in Mageplaza One Step Checkout. Why it is Mageplaza but not other suppliers ? Because, Mageplaza is one of the best Magento 2 suppliers in magento 2 marketplace and Mageplaza’s Trust Badge is very great and easy to use.
Configure Trust Badge
Before enabling the Trust Badge, you need to log in your admin account and then select Stores > Settings > Configuration > Mageplaza Extensions > One Step Checkout. Next, scroll drown and enable the Seal Block.
Enable Trust Badge
You will be allowed to choose one out of three given actions: No, Select Static Block, Use Default Design:
Please Select Static Block, if admins want to apply the CMS block to display as a seal block. A variety of block options is supported by the feature. Thus, the seal block default can help admins create Seal Content for One Step Checkout.
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When the CMS blocks do not suitable with store theme or purpose, you can easily choose Use Default Design to add or edit images and contents in a short amount of time.
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If stores do not want to use this feature display any type of trust badges in Onepage Checkout then you can choose No to disable.
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This post ends here. Thanks for reading. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

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