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8 tips for magento conversion optimization through product pages

  1. #1
    Junior Member VenusTheme's Avatar
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    Default 8 tips for magento conversion optimization through product pages

    The product page are one of the most important part that have an impact on purchasing decision. No matter what you are selling, you have to develop product pages in the most professional way to increase sales. Now let take a look back on your site. Is your average abandonment rate of an online shopping cart is around 65 % and overall conversion rates are typically less than 10 %? If that is true, your product page should be changed. Today I would like to share with you 8 tips For Magento Conversion Optimization Through Product Pages

    #1. Awesome Product Photos
    As usual, image is the first thing that draw your potential customer’s attention when visiting your product page. In order to attract them, you have to invest in good photography up front. Also, it is essential to ensure that your image should be shot, crisp, clear, large and, real, lively, show your product in action.

    #2. Vivid and enticing product descriptions
    Vivid and compelling description is obviously key of selling process. Most of customer are based on your product description and photo before making buying decision. Your product description should be informative, concise and motivative. Also, remember to highlight your product’s feature with bullet points to help your shopper read and digest faster. Your description should include keywords, price, shipping information, what it does how it looks like, sizes/colors, availability, and anything that impact a buyer’s decision

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  2. #2
    Junior Member aaryanmevada's Avatar
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    Online shoppers need to see the products they are buying, in particular consumer goods. Even when the product is a known brand and it is available everywhere, it is your duty to offer the best quality images and as many images as possible as it truly helps tip the balance in making a decision to buy or not. Showing high quality images also reflects on the overall quality of the site and enhances the user experience. Ask the manufacturer for a high quality image or produce it yourself. Nowadays where every smartphone has a powerful camera there are really no excuses to showing poor quality images or no images on a product page.

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