Magento 2 Page builder

Magento 2 Page builderby Magesolution is one of the most fabulous feature help you to save a lot of time when creating your own theme. Instead of login in the back-end, the robust feature allows you to build and configure Homepage, Category page, Product page, CMS pages... straightly and visually at front-end. Also, it allows you to select header & footer for the website using available multiple headers or add/ edit new headers, footers as you wish. By this way, you can experience the true “What you see is what you get” and forget about “blind design”.

This theme comes with tons of Magento 2 extensions and 19+ available components that support you build web pages by yourself. Easily you just need to combine these elements to create any pages as your expectation
And much more outstanding features can be discovered on our detailed description page:
Video Demo:

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