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Magento 2 One Step Checkout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Default Magento 2 One Step Checkout

    Do you face the problem reducing customer abandonment and increase customer conversion rate? Instead of having multiple steps to place an order, our One Step Checkout allows customers to checkout effortlessly in just one step instead of six.

    one step checkout benefits
    Fit with every store
    We support 4 styles of column layout with 3 popular columns style and 1 newly special design which is optimized for conversion rate. That feature is only supported by Magecheckout.

    one step checkout extension
    Moreover, you also easily change color style of checkout page to suit with your brand, your design. Not only 8 popular colors for your design, it also supports custom color that you can freely custom depends on your current design.

    magento one step checkout extension
    Auto-Suggest Address
    Give customer's most convenience with Google Address suggestion and Post Code anywhere. Customer will be suggested automatically their addresses without delay. The address’s information will be fulfilled in exactly relevant required fields.

    Additionally, Magecheckout also enable customer can just click on Find My Location button, then his/her address will be fully filled automatically by Google Maps Suggestion.

    Auto-update information
    When customers fill information such as their address, coupon, other sections: Shipping method, Payment method, Order review will be updated automatically based on backend configured. It is very useful, why? When customers are checking out, there are only 2 shipping methods available in their region among many shipping methods. They can see right away the fee on the Shipping method section without reloading the page.

    magento one step checkout extension

    magento one step checkout extension
    Payment methods
    Magecheckout supports more than 60 popular payment methods: BrainTree, Paypal, Paypal Pro, SagePay, SagePay Pro, MoneyBookers (Skrill), Amazon, iDEAL Icepay, 2Checkout, PayOne, WorldPay, Credit Card, , (3D Secure), Google Checkout, Wirecard Checkout Page, ePay, eWAY UK AU NZ, SecurePay, Check/ Money, Bank transfer, see more

    Tax/VAT number verification
    Allow to enable or disable the Tax/VAT number. You can validate the VAT number field for personal or company buyer.

    magento one step checkout extension
    magento one step checkout drag and drop field
    Drag-drop Field Management
    This outstanding feature helps your admin can rearrange the number and order of fields which customer required or optional to enter.

    Especially, shorten and disable unnecessary fields that leads your customers save their wasting time and gain most satisfaction of your service.

    Delivery time
    With the delivery time extension you will avoid misunderstanding in communication with customers by providing clear and simple delivery process.

    magento one step checkout delivery time
    Terms and condition
    You enable to simply and easily change “Term and Condition” title, content, color design as your requirement.

    magento one step checkout term and condition
    Gift message
    Customers can send a gift message to their friends right on checkout page, no email account login required, just fill customer email, receiver email and a message

    magento one step checkout Gift message
    Short Survey
    It also supports quickly survey customers, Store owner can add a question such as "How did you hear about us?" or "What is your favorite color?"

    magento one step checkout Gift message
    magento one step checkout checkout promo
    Checkout Promo
    Checkout promo is a smart and intelligent marketing tool arms you encourage customer buy more with upsell advertisement promo on checkout process.

    For example: Get an Extra 10% Off with Order of $100 or More, Get X free when buy Y items, $10 Off Your Purchase Of more than $100.

    Cross-sell Products
    Cross-selling is one of the special features which makes customer spend more money whenever they fall in love with other suggested products. These ones that come from other categories which are somehow related, will be shown at the bottom the checkout page.

    Example: if you’re selling pets, you can offer pet foods, pet beds, pet cages or pet toys, etc.

    magento one step checkout extension
    1-click demo Import
    Many other extensions leaves you dealing with matrix of setup options. Who want to do that? We definitely don't.

    Magecheckout truly offers quick and easy setup for everyone, event Magento newbies. We have make it compatible with the most popular Magento theme in the world such as Ultimo, Shopper, Fortis, Blanco, Porto, Buy Shop, Milano, Acumen, Black&White, SAHARA, Venedor, Trego, Athlete ...

    magento one step checkout extension
    magento social login
    Social Login integration
    Magecheckout Social Login allows customers login/sign up simply in clicks with social accounts such as Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instantgram...

    Abandoned Cart Email Integration
    Sometimes customers add products to a cart, but do not complete their purchase. While this may happen for various reasons, why not send your shoppers an automatic reminder and encourage them to buy by including a discount into your email?

    magento abandoned cart

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  2. #2
    Junior Member James's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Thanked 13 Times in 12 Posts


    How to reduce the checkout steps and encourage customers to place orders more quickly? Let’s take a look at One Step Checkout for Magento 2 extension that can enhance a better checkout page:

    - Combine two sections Shipping address and Payment & Reviews into one page only with all information displayed

    Name:  magento_2_one_step_checkout_1.png
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    - Use Geo IP to detect customer location and pre-fill their countries and cities
    - Autocomplete customer addresses with Google API when they just type some letters

    Name:  magento_2_one_step_checkout-google_suggest.png
Views: 1093
Size:  98.4 KB

    - Auto-update related information when there are any changes: update shipping methods and billing address when changing shipping address or update order summary when changing shipping methods
    - Allow customers to select their most suitable delivery dates and time and also leave their own comment for delivery or orders

    Name:  magento_2_one_step_checkout-delivery_date.png
Views: 1096
Size:  45.6 KB

    - Be compatible with multiple popular payment methods
    - Add more fields into the checkout page: discount code box, gift message option and newsletter subscription

    Check it out for FREE Installation, FREE Update and FREE 3-month Support!


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