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One Step Checkout by Magecheckout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
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    Default One Step Checkout by Magecheckout

    One Step Checkout Magecheckout

    Boost sales with the most powerful features of extension now

    Do you face the problem reducing customer abandonment and increase customer conversion rate? Instead of having multiple steps to place an order, our One Step Checkout extension for Magento allows customers to checkout effortlessly in just one step instead of six.

    Presenting One Step Checkout

    magento one step checkout

    The checkout which fits with every store

    One Step Checkout extension supports 4 styles of column layout with 3 popular columns style and 1 newly special design which is optimized for conversion rate. That feature is only supported by Magecheckout.

    magento one step checkout conversion

    Unlimited color options
    Moreover, you also easily change color style of checkout page to suit with your brand, your design. Not only 8 popular colors for your design, it also supports custom color that you can freely custom depends on your current design.

    Auto-Suggest Address in checkout page

    Give customer's most convenience with Google Address suggestion and Capture+. Customers will be suggested automatically their addresses without delay. The address’s information will be fulfilled in exactly relevant required fields.

    Additionally, Magecheckout also enables customer can just click on Find My Location button, then his/her address will be fully filled automatically by Google Maps Suggestion.

    autosuggest address on checkout

    Updated: Supports EU address format.

    Auto-update information

    With Magecheckout One Step Checkout for Magento, customers fill information such as their address, coupon, other sections: Shipping method, Payment method, Order review will be updated automatically based on backend configured. It is very useful, why? When customers are checking out, there are only 2 shipping methods available in their region among many shipping methods. They can see right away the fee on the Shipping method section without reloading the page.

    one step checkout auto-update information

    Payment methods

    Magecheckout One Page Checkout for Magento supports more than 60 popular payment methods: BrainTree, Paypal, Paypal Pro, SagePay, SagePay Pro, MoneyBookers (Skrill), Amazon, iDEAL Icepay, 2Checkout, PayOne, WorldPay, Credit Card, , (3D Secure), Google Checkout, Wirecard Checkout Page, ePay, eWAY UK AU NZ, SecurePay, Check/ Money, Bank transfer...

    one step checkout payment method

    Tax/VAT number verification

    Right on the checkout page, the VAT number field for personal or company buyer is validated instantly after they fill.

    one step checkout tax vat

    Drag-drop Field Management

    This outstanding feature helps your admin can rearrange the number and order of fields which customer required or optional to enter.
    Especially, shorten and disable unnecessary fields that lead your customers save their wasting time and the gain most satisfaction of your service.

    one step checkout drag and drop fields
    Delivery time

    With the delivery time extension you will avoid misunderstanding in communication with customers by providing clear and simple delivery process. This extension is integrated with this One Step Checkout extension or Magento One Page Checkout module by default

    delivery date and time

    Gift message

    Customers can send a gift message to their friends right on one page checkout, no email account login required, just fill customer email, receipt email address and a message.

    gift message on one page checkout

    Terms and Conditions (TOS)

    You can add multiple TOS in the checkout page, and simply and easily custom “Term and Condition” title, content, color design with fit to your design.

    Checkout Promo

    Checkout promo is a smart and intelligent marketing tool arms you encourage customer buy more with up-sell advertisement promo on checkout process.

    For example: Get an Extra 10% Off with Order of $100 or More, Get X free when buying Y items, $10 Off Your Purchase Of more than $100.

    checkout promo

    1-click demo Import

    Many other extensions leave you dealing with the matrix of setup options. Who want to do that? We definitely don't.
    Magecheckout truly offers quick and easy setup for everyone, event Magento newbies. We have made it compatible with the most popular Magento theme in the world such as Ultimo, Shopper, Fortis, Blanco, Porto, Buy Shop, Milano, Acumen, Black&White, SAHARA, Venedor, Trego, Athlete ...

    import config for checkout

    Social Login integration

    Magecheckout Social Login allows customers login/sign up simply in clicks with social accounts such as Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram... This is fully compatible with One Page Checkout module

    magento social login extension

    Abandoned Cart Email Integration

    Sometimes customers add products to a cart, but do not complete their purchase. While this may happen for various reasons, why not send your shoppers an automatic reminder and encourage them to buy by including a discount into email message

    magento abandoned cart

    DEMO: One Step Checkout for Magento

    Live Demo


    User Guide

    Full Features List

    Others features of Others features of Magneto One Step Checkout extension

    - 30-day 100% money back guarantee
    - Lifetime Support, Update
    - Open source 100%
    - Compatible Magento latest edition
    - Easy to install and configure
    - User-friendly interface

    Please contact us at in case you have any problem with our extensions instead of leaving a bad review.

    Tags: Magento one step checkout, Magento one step checkout extension, Magento one page checkout, one step checkout, one page checkout, one step checkout module, one page checkout module, one page checkout plugin

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  2. #2
    Junior Member Amasty's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thanked 4 Times in 3 Posts


    Thanks for sharing!
    You can also have a look at this extension One step Checkout by Amasty. its features include:

    - Lightning-fast one page checkout process
    - Better sales conversion and fewer abandoned carts
    - Combine shopping cart and checkout into one page
    - Manage layout and display of fields in checkout sections
    - Compatible with Order & Customer Attributes

    Name:  magento-one-step-checkout-layout-rwd.png
Views: 1585
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  3. #3
    Junior Member anna26269's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post


    Hi there,

    I highly appropriate your sharing and I also want to add one Magento extension by It is Magento One Page checkout. With following highlight features:

    • Enable, Disable, set require and arrange position by dropping and dragging
    • Support EU VAT validation
    • Support Brazil TAX validation
    • Brazil Postcode checking
    • Easily custom colors and styles in customers’ backend
    • Integrate material design
    • Full checkout cart feature like adding coupon code, editing, deleting items.

    For more information, please visit our site

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Thanked 33 Times in 33 Posts


    Thanks for all sharing!
    Magento 2 One Step Checkout is also available now to help customers to easily checkout and finish their purchase conveniently

    Name:  magento_2_one_step_checkout_1.png
Views: 1369
Size:  42.0 KB


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