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How to recognize the phtml file from the layout xml file ?

  1. #1
    New member Kishore's Avatar
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    Question How to recognize the phtml file from the layout xml file ?

    I want to know the proper way of identifying a template file.
    For e.g.
    In my basket page (cart.phtml) there is a code like...
    PHP Code:
    echo $this->getChildHtml('shipping'); 
    I searched for the template for this as follows.....

    1. I checked "checkout.xml" file for the handle <checkout_cart_index>. And find where it is written "as='shipping'" and found that code as follows...
    <block type="checkout/cart_shipping" name="checkout.cart.shipping" as="shipping" template="checkout/cart/shipping.phtml"/>

    2. So I checked the "checkout/cart/shipping.phtml" file and try to modify it. But nothing happend. so i confirmed that it is not the right phtml file i am looking for.

    3. Then when I enable "Template Path Hints" from admin side , then came to know that it is coming from a different folder and it is due to the extension used. And in its layout file it is written as

    <reference name="checkout.cart">
    <block type="webshopapps_productmatrix/checkout_cart_shipping" name="checkout.cart.shipping" as="shipping" template="webshopapps/productmatrix/checkout/shipping.phtml"/>

    So My question is ,what is the proper way to know the template files which is used in our page as ChildHtml ?

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  2. #2
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    Magento takes check folders with template files in the next order: the first place - theme from the package which is set in the admin panel, than it looks for template in the folder "default" in this package. If there is no such a file, then it should be in frontend/base/default/templates. Maybe you made a change in not right package or theme. Pls, check setting on the admin panel (system->configuration-> in tab-general click on design). Also keep attention on selected stores in the current configuration scope in the left up corner.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    The xml file and structure represented by two types of hierarchy of elements that name: The attribute which is used to identify a block. public_html/vendor/magento/module-search/view/frontend/templates/

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