Supermarket Magento Theme is an awesome eMart base theme built with FrontEnd Builder. It is designed for any kind of your business from small shop, medium shop, supermarket and any kind of business you think.

eMart Supermarket Magento Theme

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1. Frontend Builder

eMart Supermarket Magento Theme is powered with MGS Frontend Builder which allows to build your own site flexibly at frontend, therefore helps to save yourself time ,money and effort. Review the benefits of Magento Builder

– The Drag & Drop interface feature makes it easy for you to drag and drop the blocks on the page.
– With Frontend Builder feature, you create all features for your website such as layouts, background, colors, fonts, extensions, catalog…and translate the target languages of site content convenient at frontend.
– You also use Builder to configure your own basing on available layouts and 15+ available components and setup width of blocks with Grid Bootstrap layout (12 columns)
– It also allows you to improve SEO content of each page at frontend

2. Mobile – friendly Theme

Emart Theme comes with a mobile optimization theme for mobile devices and a intelligent UX design, it is perfect for you to display your website on all mobile devices.

3. Excellent Magento extensions

eMart Supermarket Magento Theme has every thing you need for a Magento website, with tons of excellent extensions from : Mega menu, One step checkout, Advanced report, Product question, Ajax Cart, Quick view, Daily deals, Testimonial, Promo Banner!

4. A lots of available eMart Elements & widgets

Besides of outstanding features of eMart Supermarket Magento Theme , Magesolution is always beside you and support 24/7 when you need the helps. We provide you well documented, forum support, video guide, free installation for newbies.

If you like our eMart Supermarket Magento Theme, please visit product details for more references :

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