Magento Product Images Promotion

Magento Product Images Promotion is very useful and meaningful for your magento website. It is an excellent Magento Extension which allows you to apply for a broad range of purposes, not only the picture contest but also other products. Having this extension, you are able to:

- Create more interaction between customers and your website by opening a pictures contest for users, which will attract a lot of visitors to become members and get benefit from your site.
- Allow users to post products they buy/ view on your site to their Facebook profile. Other facebook users will have chance to write comments on the product, which definitely promote your products much better than any other marketing solutions.
- Allow users to post whichever products, images,... they like and you in return will get a hint of the current trend. You can see which products are receiving most interest temporarily. So, you will have critical trading strategy on your range of products to be sold on your site.
- Decide and create promotion campaign for your products and customers based on the results of pictures contest.
Name:  promo-benefit.jpg
Views: 17
Size:  126.1 KB
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