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Installing Magento 2 with Composer

  1. #1
    Junior Member rocker's Avatar
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    Default Installing Magento 2 with Composer

    With the Magento 2 Developer Beta out in the open, it’s time to revise our old guide and have a fresh, clear, step-to-step guide which helps with installing Magento 2 with Composer.


    In June, we hosted Tim which wrote a guide on installing Magento 2 with Composer on an nginx webserver. The Magento 2 project structure has changed a lot and that guide is not really applicable anymore.

    There is official documentation. This is merely an alternative step-to-step guide if you just want to get to it without reading the documentation thorough. We plan to keep this guide updated with newer Magento 2 code drops.

    This guide assumes you already have a functioning LAMP-stack with the minimum Magento 2 requirements (>= PHP 5.4.11 & >= MySQL 5.6.X).

    1. Install Composer

    You can skip this step if you have Composer already installed. Windows users have an installer available.

    curl -sS | php

    1.1 Make Composer Globally Available

    If you wish, you can additionally install Composer globally so you don’t have to type php /path/to/composer.phar every time. The Windows-installer will automatically set up the PATH system variable.

    mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

    2. Download Magento 2

    2.1 Via Git

    git clone [email protected]:magento/magento2.git
    This clones the repository and puts it under the magento2 directory. The thing is that you now still have to manually invoke Composer to fetch all the dependencies:

    cd magento2 && composer install

    2.2 Via Composer

    composer create-project magento/community-edition magento2 -s dev --prefer-dist
    Because the magento/community-edition package refers to the magento/magento2 repository on Github, using the --prefer-source option will make Composer figure out the rest for us.

    2.3 Build from source

    At the moment of writing, the Magento 2 project is divided into two Github repositories: magento2 andmagento2-community-edition. The former hosts the complete Magento 2 code base and the latter has recently been completely wiped and only hosts the composer.json for “building from source”.

    The magento2 repository is known on Packagist as magento/community-edition. magento2-community-editionis known on Packagist as magento/product-community-edition. They couldn’t have made it any more confusing!

    If you prefer have all the Magento modules collected for you instead of having them prepared already, as is the case with the magento/community-edition package, you can create a new magento/product-community-edition project.

    composer create-project magento/product-community-edition magento2 -s dev --prefer-source

    3. Set Up Permissions

    After all dependencies are retrieved, you should set the correct permissions on the entire Magento 2 installation directory. The official documentation recommends chmod’ing all directories to 700 and all files to a level of 600:

    find . -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \; && find . -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;
    In case you are still facing problems, you are probably logged in under a different user and have to give ownership of the installation directory to the web server user.

    4. Create The Database

    Given that you already have a MySQL user with the correct permissions, create an empty database to work with. If you really want to, you can also use an existing database and pick a table-prefix during the installation process but… that’s not something a lot of people do.

    echo "CREATE DATABASE magento2" | mysql -u[mysqluser] -p

    5. Install Magento 2

    That’s about it! You can now either follow the installation wizard or use the command line.

    5.1 Installation Wizard

    Just fire up the browser, navigate to the host where you installed Magento 2 and if everything went correct, you should be redirected to the setup tool.

    5.2 Command Line Installer

    Magento 2 ships with a command line installer and can be invoked as followed:

    php setup/index.php 
        --db_host=localhost \
        --db_name=magento2 \
        --db_user=root \
        --db_pass=canbempty \
        --backend_frontname=admin \
        --admin_username=username \
        --admin_password=password \
        [email protected] \
        --admin_firstname=First \
        --admin_lastname=Last \
        --base_url=http://magento2.local/ \
        --base_url_secure=http://magento2.local/ \
        --language=en_US \
        --currency=USD \
        --use_rewrites=true \
        --use_secure=false \
        --use_secure_admin=false \
    The above command should be edited to your needs and executed from the Magento 2 root directory. What follows, is a bit of scrolling text and if everything went correct, you are informed that the installation has been completed.

    6. Fill the database

    You should now have a fresh Magento installation. If you want to fill it with some data, you can either make use of the sample data or use the performance toolkit.

    6.1 Using Sample Data

    Because the sample data is a separate development tool available via the Magento 2 packages repository, you first have to update the composer.json file so it is aware that the repository exists:

    composer config repositories.magento composer
    Then, you should require the magento/sample-data and magento/sample-data-media package:

    composer require magento/sample-data:0.42.0.beta1 magento/sample-data-media:0.42.0-beta1 --dev
    Due to the size of the sample-data-media package, it will take a while before those dependencies are installed. After it’s done, execute the sample data installer:

    php dev/tools/Magento/Tools/SampleData/install.php --admin_username=username

    6.2 Using The Performance Toolkit

    Another option is to use the generator of the performance toolkit to fill the database with static entries. The following profiles are available: small, medium, large and extra_large. Each profile is simply an XML filewhich defines how many items of each fixture should be created.

    php dev/tools/performance-toolkit/generate.php --profile dev/tools/performance-toolkit/profiles/small.xml

    Final words

    Hopefully this is a clear guide on how to install Magento 2 with Composer. Most of this information is simplified and readily available with more depth in the official documentation. In case we missed anything, you have a trick to share or think something is wrong, your input is welcome.

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  2. #2
    Junior Member VenusTheme's Avatar
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    Default [New] How to install Magento 2: CLEAR & DETAIL-ORIENTED GUIDE TO SET UP EASILY

    “Magento 2 promise to make a huge changes in the market in 2015″! As you may know, Magento 2.0 has been officially lauched on 18th December so why you don’t start install this latest Magento version. Last time, I shared How to install Quickstart package. In this post I will show you how to isntall Magento 2.0. This guide is a little bit details but we ensure that this post is worthy for reading

    Name:  Untitled-12.jpg
Views: 1591
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    1: Install XAMPP
    >> Install XAMPP via this link (
    If you already installed XAMPP, please check whether it meets the below Magento 2 requirements.
    Apache: 2.2 or 2.4
    PHP: >=5.4.11 or 5.5.x
    MySQL: 5.6.x

    More Detail:

  3. #3
    Junior Member VenusTheme's Avatar
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    In case, you prefer to watch video, you can watch our below tutorial video

  4. #4
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    If you are looking for Magento 2 latest version installation, check:

    Name:  how-to-install-magento-2-latest-version-1-638.jpg
Views: 9845
Size:  65.5 KB

  5. #5
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    Have a look at our Magento 2 installation guide. it lists very simple steps to instal

  6. #6
    Junior Member Magento Nguyen's Avatar
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    Default Installing Magento 2

    Visit Magesolution blog to read full Magento 2 tutorial and update latest tutorials about Magento 2.

  7. #7
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    Here is the way i often do on Windows 7 with Xampp

    Name:  magento-2-install-cmd.png
Views: 3622
Size:  57.3 KB

  8. #8
    Junior Member alex118's Avatar
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    Besides installing Magento 2 directly, you can also install Magento 2 when you are using Magento 1.x. To see how to upgrade Magento database to Magento 2 theme, just watch a video here:

  9. #9
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    The easiest way to install Magento 2 is to do it from archive file. However, you can install it via composer also. First, you have to create authentication keys by going Click "My Access Keys" and create new set of keys. Now enter the following command in terminal.

    composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-community-edition
    Now you can install Magento 2 through setup wizard.

    See the full tutorial here How to Install Magento 2

  10. #10
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    Very Helpful thread posted on Magento 2 with Composer, here I Sharing most helpful post because Magento is consistently serving retailers to improve the overall efficiency of their online sales. In this blog post, we have outlined 7 key reasons to consider and migrate to Magento 2 as a way of enhancing how your business functions can lead to quick success in the year 2019.

  11. #11
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    So, today we are going to learn how to install Magento 2 using composer.
    Install Composer. You can skip this step if you've already installed the Composer. ...
    Download Magento 2. Run the following command in the root directory. ...
    Set Up Permissions. ...
    Create The Database. ...
    Install Magento 2. ...
    Useful Tip.

  12. #12
    Junior Member
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    Step by step instructions to Install Magento 2 Using Composer. Stage 1: Install Composer. Run the accompanying order to check if the writer has just been introduced: arranger - help author list - help. Stage 2: Download Magento 2. Run the accompanying order in the root index. Stage 3: Set Up Permissions. Stage 4: Create The Database. ...

  13. #13
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    You may want to check Magento 2 System Requirements first. Step 1: Install Composer. Run the following command to check if Composer has already been installed: composer --help composer list --help. Step 2: Download Magento 2. Step 3: Set Up Permissions. Step 4: Create The Database. Step 5: Install Magento 2.

  14. #14
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    In today's digital age, email is an essential communication tool, both for personal and professional purposes. However, encountering issues with email delivery can be frustrating and disruptive. One common problem users face is not receiving emails, which can stem from various factors such as technical glitches, configuration errors, or spam filters. This comprehensive guide aims to address common issues related to email delivery, provide troubleshooting tips, and offer solutions to help users resolve problems effectively.

    Why Emails Might Not Be Received

    Technical Glitches and Server Issues:

    One of the primary reasons for not receiving emails is technical glitches or server issues. These problems can occur on either the sender's or the recipient's end. Server downtime, network interruptions, or software bugs can all contribute to delayed or failed email delivery. It's essential to identify and address these issues to ensure smooth communication.

    Configuration Errors:

    Incorrect email settings or misconfigurations can also lead to problems with email delivery. This includes issues with incoming mail server settings (IMAP/POP), outgoing mail server settings (SMTP), and security protocols. Ensuring that these settings are correctly configured is crucial for receiving emails without interruptions.

    Spam and Junk Filters:

    Spam filters are designed to protect users from unwanted or malicious emails. However, legitimate emails can sometimes be mistakenly classified as spam and end up in the junk or spam folder. Regularly checking the spam folder and adjusting filter settings can help prevent important emails from being lost.

    Email Address Errors:

    Simple mistakes in entering email addresses, such as typos or incorrect domain names, can result in non-delivery. Verifying the accuracy of the email address before sending or responding to emails can help avoid this issue.

    Troubleshooting Email Delivery Issues

    Step 1: Check Your Spam or Junk Folder

    If you're not receiving expected emails, the first step is to check your spam or junk folder. Legitimate emails may sometimes be filtered out by your email provider's spam detection system. If you find the missing emails in the spam folder, mark them as "Not Spam" to ensure they appear in your inbox in the future.

    Step 2: Verify Email Settings

    Ensure that your email settings are correctly configured. Check the incoming (IMAP/POP) and outgoing (SMTP) server settings for accuracy. Refer to your email provider's documentation or support resources for the correct settings. Misconfigured settings can prevent your email client from properly receiving or sending messages.

    Step 3: Check for Server Issues

    If you suspect server issues, verify the status of your email provider's server. Most email providers offer status pages or support channels where you can check for ongoing outages or technical problems. If there are known issues, they may be causing delays in email delivery.

    Step 4: Inspect Email Filters and Rules

    Review any email filters or rules you have set up in your email client. It's possible that a filter or rule is inadvertently directing emails to a folder other than your inbox. Adjust or disable filters as needed to ensure that emails are delivered to the correct folder.

    Step 5: Verify Email Address Accuracy

    Double-check the email addresses you're using. Ensure there are no typos or errors in the email address of the sender or recipient. Confirm that the domain name and address are correct to avoid delivery issues.

    Step 6: Test Email Delivery

    Send a test email to yourself or a different email address to check if the problem persists. This can help determine if the issue is specific to certain email addresses or a broader problem with your email account.

    Step 7: Contact Your Email Provider

    If you've tried the above steps and are still not receiving emails, contact your email provider's support team for further assistance. They can help diagnose and resolve issues that may be affecting your email delivery.

    Getting Help with Email Delivery Problems

    Explore Online Resources

    For additional troubleshooting tips and solutions, explore online resources such as not getting emails. This resource provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and resolving email delivery issues, offering practical advice and step-by-step solutions to help you regain access to your emails and ensure smooth communication.

    Contact Support Services

    If online resources do not resolve your issue, contacting support services can provide personalized assistance. Email providers often offer support through various channels, including phone, email, or live chat. Reach out to their support team for expert guidance and resolution of your email delivery problems.


    Email delivery issues can be a significant inconvenience, affecting both personal and professional communication. By understanding the potential causes and following a systematic approach to troubleshooting, users can effectively address problems related to not receiving emails. Whether the issue stems from technical glitches, configuration errors, spam filters, or email address inaccuracies, employing the right strategies and seeking assistance from online resources or support services can help resolve these issues and restore seamless communication.

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