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Magento with google compute engine

  1. #1
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    Default Magento with google compute engine

    Hi Friends,

    Am newbie in Magento. Am running my Magento server in Google Compute Engine (GCE) but its performance is very poor. I had completed the optimization part of magento and GCE server. But still the performance is too bad. So please help me to resolve this problem. And what is minimum hardware specification for magento ?. Am mentioned my GCE spec given below please find it.

    Machine Type : n1-standard-1 (1 vCPU, 3.8 GB memory)
    Zone : us-central1-a

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  2. #2
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    Hi dude

    Im new here to, What is the domain for your site, I can take a look for you,

    I did try and run Magento on GCE but found amazons ASW worked a hell of a lot better

  3. #3
    Junior Member funkywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harisankar View Post
    Hi Friends,

    Am newbie in Magento. Am running my Magento server in Google Compute Engine (GCE) but its performance is very poor. I had completed the optimization part of magento and GCE server. But still the performance is too bad. So please help me to resolve this problem. And what is minimum hardware specification for magento ?. Am mentioned my GCE spec given below please find it.

    Machine Type : n1-standard-1 (1 vCPU, 3.8 GB memory)
    Zone : us-central1-a
    This is a problem you can get with google compute engine "persistent storage", i.e. networked / remote storage. As per google's website: you can expect far better performance when using the "local storage" instead of the persistent storage. Warning! The local storage can go away if you migrate an instance to a new node. Always keep backups.

    An alternative would be to use a VPS, shared, or dedicated magento host that uses SSDs natively to begin with and save yourself the hassle of cloud. Dedicated would provide the best performance but even a good SSD based vps or shared can be adequate, and no more expensive than google compute engine.

  4. #4
    Junior Member fay_khattak's Avatar
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    Cloud Hosting like GCE is reliable for Magento stores as it offers higher reliability and speed. Since cloud providers are good enough but to maintain them, it really needs some technical studies and knowledge. I would recommend you Cloudways! It's a PaaS provider which empowers the cloud providers like GCE and gives you the better experience with Magento Hosting.

    Cloudways specializes in providing managed cloud hosting servers that are specially optimized for Magento. The platform enables Magento developers and merchants to easily host their apps and stores on popular cloud hosting infrastructures including Google Compute Engine (GCE). Check out the blog post for further information:

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to fay_khattak For This Useful Post:

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  6. #5
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    Our ERP combination expansion is the ideal decision for coordinating your Magento store with any ERP arrangements. Handle your Product, Order and Customer information!


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