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Hot! Responsive Multipurpose Virtuemart Template - Shopfine

  1. #1
    Junior Member cmsmart's Avatar
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    Default Hot! Responsive Multipurpose Virtuemart Template - Shopfine

    Shopfine – Responsive Multiplepurpose Virtuemart Template is a newly responsive design, which is focused on giving the most perfect product to customers, and to be suitable with every kind of products for men and women.

    The template is totally responsive design as well as easy to configure with a wide range of easy strong features like color swatch, mega menu, blog with comments, product zoomer, product quick view, etc…Specially, this template can work well and fit well on all the web enabled devices and mobile browsers and it is extremely flexible homepage by full sliders with effect.

    Integrated with all advanced extensions for a perfect Shopfine- Multipurpose Virtuemart website such as One page chẹck out that is the best choice for reducing 6 steps in one step to check out shopping process and save big time. Moreover, Virtuemart color swatch extension allows administrators to apply attributes into a single product with different swatch images. Wishlist and Comparison allow customer to add products to buy latter and get the best product after comparing.

    In addition, Shopfine – Responsive multipurpose theme is also equipped with a lot of other useful extensions and advance Ajax which allow to totally control your Virtuemart website like Jcarousel Product, Ajax search, Ajax cart, Acyba newsletter, Google analytics, Popup Login and Filter Category.

    Home page

    This template is a large space, which is convenient for you to display main image & detail information of product impressively, and you can show other related elements cleanly and clearly on detail page so that customer will feel your store very tidy at first sight.

    Ajax Cart

    Allows customers to instantly add or check product without leaving the page

    Ajax search

    The search box is easy for customers to search by keywords, give them search results immediately, save big time, and bring customers good experience shopping on your shop.

    One page checkout Extension

    Integrated one page check out to help customer reduce 6steps into one step just in only one page and save big time.

    Responsive layout

    Mega menu

    Dropdown mega menu allows you to display a lot of product ranges on a menu bar. Your customer easily access products and categories just by hovering over the menu.

    Color Swatch Extension

    It is available on product category which allows customer to view and choose color directly.

    Popup login

    Popup login form allows customer to login instantly without leaving page and them can turn on/off conveniently.

    Product image zoom

    Zoom Plug-in is the best way to help customers to check instantly product image more clearly.

    And more....

    Do you like this template? We hope the answer is YES. Please visit LIVE DEMO or PRODUCT DETAIL to see its best performance!

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  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts


    It's really a gorgeous Multipurpose Virtuemart template!
    Everyone, if you're looking for a Joomla template like this, then you can visit this site:
    Here, you can find many perfect premium Multipurpose Virtuemart templates =>
    Or free one page templates:
    In addition, you can also refer to this site:
    There are so many free templates that you can choose. =>


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