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Paypal move from SSL to TLS are Magento code or plugin changes needed?

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
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    here seem to be quite a some confusion as a result of the email by PayPal.

    What they basically means is that PayPal IPN will only work with websites with SSL Certificates that are using 2048-bit and also SHA-256.

    2048-bit should now be standardized for all SSL Certificates so it shouldn't be a problem.

    SHA-256 is something that you need to take note of as your SSL Certificate may still be running the older SHA-1 cryptographic hash algorithm.

    You can check if your SSL Certificate is using SHA-1 or SHA-256 at this website:

    If you are still using SHA-1, you will need to contact your SSL Certificate issuer (not your hosting provider) to reissue the SSL Certificate into SHA-256 and install it in your server to replace the SHA-1 SSL Certificate.

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