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Order printing/exporting suddenly causing errors

  1. #1
    New member
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    Default Order printing/exporting suddenly causing errors

    Usually I can go into the Magento 'Orders' and print them. All of a sudden I am receiving an error that is stopping me from printing.

    The error reads:
    /Downloads/KSMZs0kX.pdf.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.

    There has been absolutely no coding changes on the site over the period it has stopped working so I do not know what has cause it.

    In my log file, I am getting this:

    This file is named ZFontis_Wysiwyg rather than Fontis_Wysiwyg because Magento
    processes XML module files in alphabetical order rather than core -> community
    -> local order. 'Fontis' comes before 'Magento', so if we start the filename
    with 'Fontis', this module will run before all the Magento core modules. This
    will cause various nasty issues, such as having this module's changes
    overwritten by the core files or WYSIWYG javascript appearing before any other
    <!-- <config>
    </config> -->

    2014-11-06T16:32:47+00:00 DEBUG (7): <config/>
    2014-11-06T16:32:49+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><jstranslator></jstranslator>
    2014-11-06T16:32:49+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><config></config>
    2014-11-06T18:47:07+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><jstranslator></jstranslator>
    2014-11-06T18:48:39+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/<!--theme-name-->/public_html/app/code/local/MW/Advancedproductoption/Helper/Data.php on line 132
    2014-11-06T19:06:45+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/<!--theme-name-->/public_html/app/code/local/MW/Advancedproductoption/Helper/Data.php on line 132
    2014-11-06T19:07:33+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/<!--theme-name-->/public_html/app/code/local/MW/Advancedproductoption/Helper/Data.php on line 132
    2014-11-06T20:47:26+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><jstranslator></jstranslator>
    2014-11-06T22:48:19+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><jstranslator></jstranslator>
    2014-11-06T22:55:21+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/<!--theme-name-->/public_html/app/code/local/MW/Advancedproductoption/Helper/Data.php on line 132
    2014-11-06T23:50:47+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/<!--theme-name-->/public_html/app/code/local/MW/Advancedproductoption/Helper/Data.php on line 132
    2014-11-07T00:48:46+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><jstranslator></jstranslator>
    2014-11-07T00:48:46+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><jstranslator></jstranslator>
    2014-11-07T00:53:14+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/<!--theme-name-->/public_html/app/code/local/MW/Advancedproductoption/Helper/Data.php on line 132
    2014-11-07T02:50:26+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><jstranslator></jstranslator>
    2014-11-07T04:51:30+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><jstranslator></jstranslator>
    2014-11-07T06:52:12+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><jstranslator></jstranslator>
    2014-11-07T08:53:30+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><jstranslator></jstranslator>
    2014-11-07T09:16:17+00:00 DEBUG (7): <?xml version="1.0"?><config></config>

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  2. #2
    Member henryjo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    New York, New York, United States
    Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts


    I can't get this point

    2014-11-06T19:07:33+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/<!--theme-name-->/public_html/app/code/local/MW/Advancedproductoption/Helper/Data.php on line 132


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