You often need to add insurance charges, delivery charges, gift wrap charges and several other fees to some specific products that are there for sale in your online store.

Now it’s quite easy to add any type of extra fees into any of the products available online for sale! Yes, this can now be done through Order – Extra Fees Magento Extension – especially meant to offer this functionality to your e-store.

Now you can add at any level, anytime and on any product that extra fees, to magento-powered ecommerce sites.

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Core Features

Manage Extra Charge from Backend
This extension manages the pre-defined extra charges by the admin from backend and only the amount is displayed in the frontend.

Manage Extra Charge Label from Backend

Specific labels (specifications) given to particular extra charge is aptly managed from the backend.

Option to Add Extra Charge Automatically or by Customers
There is option to either manage the extra charges by default (automatically) to specific product or it can be handled by the customers in the frontend while checking out.

Store Wise Manage Extra Charge
This provision can be enabled for multiple stores, in case the merchant has various stores.

Do you think this extension is answer to your extra charge incorporation requirement?

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