ART - Blue responsive Magento theme has almost everything that you need for a shopping website.
Its responsive layout built with all-in-one powerful features, such as Mega menu, Brand logo and slider, Featured Products, image, zooming effects,... will surely satisfy your demands for a custom store.


ART - Blue responsive Magento theme has almost everything that you need for a shopping website. Its responsive layout built with all-in-one powerful features, such as Mega menu, Brand logo and slider, Featured Products, image, zooming effects,... will surely satisfy your demands for a custom store.

Compatible with Magento:,,,,,,,,,,,
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Main Features

Bootstrap 3
Grid System and Responsive Design
Touch / Swipe Support
Wide & Boxed Layouts
SEO Optimized
Owl Carousel
Nivo Slider
Responsive Pricing Tables
Bootstrap Components Compatible
Twitter Feed
Layered PSD files
Cross-browser Compatible


Home page slideshow: Nivo slider integrated, images of the slideshow can be uploaded via a CMS block by default Magento editor

Full width slideshow: Slideshow displayed in full width or not depending on specific page layout (in Wide or Boxed)
One-column/ Two-column/ Three-column layout: The layout of the Homepage can be selected to display in 1, 2 or 3 columns. Ability to display custom content in multiple sidebar blocks. Ability to enable/ disable Magneto's default sidebar blocks on Homepage

Featured products on Home page: Products can be set as featured ones with appropriate attribute and displayed in Owl Carousel slider

Brand slider: Brands/ Logos can be shown in the slider on the Homepage. Logos inserted with relevant Links are uploaded and edited via our brands extensionin the backend


Category landing page: Coherent presence of sub-categories with customizable thumbnail images, labels and product counts

Multiple layouts: Ability to display Product listing page in one column, two columns with left/ right sidebar, three columns. List/ Grid view mode available

Pricing tables: Applicable for special products to be most noticeable

Slide + Lightbox: Product image zoom, Lightbox gallery images with previous/next buttons

Tabs/accordion: Tabs smoothly turns into accordion on narrow screens

"Additional Information" tab for individual product attributes: Capability to create and display custom product attributes

Tabbed reviews: Show product reviews on product page to improve SEO

Tabbed tags: Show tags and form to add tags on product page

Multiple products:Applicable for all types of products such as Simple, Configurable, Group, Bundle ones


Header and Footer: 6 Headers and 4 Footers available for suitable selection

Auto import CMS blocks and CMS page demos: Placeholder content for CMS block demo, Homepage demo, 404 not found page, About us page, Careers page, Team page, FAQ page is automatically imported into the database together with Theme installation

"New" and "Sale" labels: Mark your products with eye-catching labels. Text on the labels can be easily translated to other languages

Twitter Feed: Capability to configure your Twitter account to call out latest tweets

Google map in Contact us: Configurable GMAP integrated to visualize your Contact us page

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