iLoveMage - is an experienced magento extension development agency has developed utility extensions for magento that helps store owners to utilize the inbuilt as well as extra features of the store to empower there business. Our extensive range of magento utility extensions are following :

Product License
A magento based license extension to offer unique license key to your customers on purchase of a license based products. A very useful module for Magento Based extension or service company

Coupon and Daily Deal SuperMod :
This is magento super extension for managing coupons in advance way. Some of the features are:
1. Normal Magento Coupon Features
2. Coupon counter specific to a time period
3. Start date and End date of coupon
4. Include or exclude categories
5. include or exclude products
6. stacks or not stack with other coupons

Detailed Invoice Page SuperMod Magento Extension:
A magento extension for showing a detailed invoice page to your customer. Helps to enhance customer experience on your store. Full control of display items on the invoice page. Responsive html invoice design

Unlimited Forms SuperMod :
Absolutely FREE with NO LIMITATIONS has developed a very powerful extensions for the customers who wish to create multiple forms on their site. So, there is really no limitations on this free product. You can create as many forms as you want. Complete listing of all submitted forms with customers details in the admin Secure and fast Validation Easy Admin interface Unlimited design capabilities Captcha support

Category Products Load without Refreshing Page :
Category Product Load without refreshing page, product refresh like facebook page, product load without refreshing the page, magento product load extension

Staff Incentive SuperMod :

This module will help you to track the sales incentive for your staff.
This also helps to track the following:

  • Offer a dropdown on checkout page or product page to choose which staff has helped to make this sale
  • Tracks total earning done by any particular staff
  • Set different commission to different staff
  • Set percent based or fixed commission to staff
  • Export report in csv and pdf
  • Shows commission paid or due for any staff
  • Generates report with multiple filtering options like to, from date, order statuses etc

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Coupon Sale as a Product :
This powerful magento extension works with default magento coupon and gives many features to suit magento store owner requirement to sell the coupon as a product to their customers.

Configurable Product Swatches :

Configurable Product Swatches is a Magento extension for configurable products. With the help of this extension your customers can see how a product looks like in different colors, shades, shapes or designs. Configurable Product Swatches enables switching the product images and prices on the fly.

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Use coupon code : ilovemage and get 10% off all Magento Extensions

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