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Magento Color Swatch Extension

  1. #1
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    Cool Magento Color Swatch Extension

    Magento Color Swatch Extension by CMSIDEAS.

    Demo site.
    Product detail.

    Magento Color Swatch Plus
    With the Product Color Swatch extension for Magento, you can easily display swatches of attribute options on configurable product pages. Show bright and eye-catching images of color, design, etc., as attribute options and be sure that customers will find out how the product will look like.

    Visitors can select required attribute options by clicking swatches on product page. After the attributes selection is made, product name, description, price, and image are changed. It’s much easier to decide which color or material matches an item when you see the result right away. A vivid picture of an item appears and fastens the process of customer decision making whether to buy a product or not.

    Install Magento Color Swatch to help customers solve the problem of choice and increase sales at your store.


    - Easy installation and integration
    - Shows your product attribute options as swatches on configurable products
    - Changes the product images and prices as well as the more views images depending on the swatch selection
    - Gives you the option to upload different swatch images for your attribute options
    - Can be applied to multiple attributes on a single product
    - Swatch image size is configurable via magento administration
    - Can be used together with magento's default drop down boxes on configurable products
    - Shows the pop up box on swatch hover, with additional details of the swatch selection
    - Use swatches in layered navigation
    - Unlimited number of attributes support
    - Upload images for product attribute options

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  2. #2
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    Bought the extension and tried to install.
    As result frontend and backend crashed. I contacted the developer. First they told me that I am not knowing how to install an extension. I gave them ftp and admin access. They crashed my site for several times and could not get it to work. I asked for a refund.
    The support email address is not working and the developers do not really have an idea about Magento.
    After 20 Emails I got a refund of 70%. All together I lost 30% of my money, spent two days for nothing and the solution never worked.
    Please be carefull. I am using now the extension from J2T. I must say this one is perfect and the support is GREAT.

  3. #3
    Junior Member balwant's Avatar
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    Configurable Product Swatches developed by the iLoveMage is one of the best selling and widely used Magento extension for swatches. With the help of this extension your customers can see how a product looks like in different colors, shades, shapes or designs. Configurable Product Swatches enables switching the product images and prices on the fly. The extension uses the Magento product base images and thumbnails and supports one configurable attribute, one thumbnail and one image per product. For the images and the thumbnails you can use any pictures per your wish and have them in a size of your choice. Each product may have a different price, which is updated automatically, when you switch between the simple products, this works based on magento's own pricing functionality. By default, the product image can be magnified with the standard zoom in Magento. Clicking on the "Add to Cart" button will add the product to the cart with the correct attribute value and price. You can set the thumbnail of the simple product to be shown in the shopping cart on checkout.

    For more information visit :
    Use coupon code : ilovemage and get 10% off all Magento Extensions.

  4. #4
    Junior Member James's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing!

    Color Swatch by BSSCommerce is one of the best choice to show configurable products with different colors and designs in Magento store. This will help your products become more attractive and let customers know more.

    Check it out for more attractive product images to enhance customer experience!

  5. #5
    Junior Member aaronwallace's Avatar
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    Default Magento Color Swatch Extension

    Choose Your Favourite Product Color With Magento Color Swatch Extension!!

    Magento Color Swatch Extension displays color swatches or color switchers on the product details page by replacing drop-down custom options.

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    Are you selling products with different colors or designs on your Magento Store? Magento Color Swatch Extension with Zoom will help your customers understand how products can be looked at variations. You just simply assign an image from a gallery with each attribute and activate image switcher on the product detail page.


    • Used for many product attributes: Magento Color Swatch shows attributes of products using swatches on configurable products. It's able to be used for any attribute type such as color, size, and thumbnail images.

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    • Work with different product types: Magento Color Swatch works well with configurable ones. Swatch options for products' images and thumbnails can be customized in the back end. The interface and backend settings are user-friendly and a standard Magento UI.

    • Various Swatch Statuses: Magento Color Swatch extension with zoom allows administrators to apply multiple attributes to a single product which has different swatch images. It's possible to set up swatch images for any status like normal, hover, enabled or disabled in Magento Admin Panel.

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    • Use images for selecting attributes: Let your customers see the final version of the product they are buying to reduce the returns resulting from customer frustration. Customers can select image attributes as much as they want to see different variants of the product, they can zoom images and eventually choose what they like.

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    Last edited by aaronwallace; 28-03-2018 at 09:16 AM.

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