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Magento – Future of ecommerce

  1. #1
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    Default Magento – Future of ecommerce

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    When magento was introduced few years ago many experts regarded this as merely a shopping system. However magento has since then moved onto become feature rich and resourceful ecommerce platform that works brilliantly for all the ecommerce applications.

    Magento’s co founder Roy Rubin in his recent video describes the current state of open source as very frustrating as it could have been done better then what the state is currently. With services as passionate as customer service and open source ecommerce. Magento is ultimately witnessing better things happening to itself which will eventually lead to even more of success for this ecommerce software platform.

    Magento has recently announced two crucial partnerships one with rackspace, that will deliver integrated magento hosting solutions in the cloud and the other partnership is with AdRoll, which will offer advertising services to magento users.

    Magento is concerned for the betterment of open source and ecommerce as a whole, as it is contributing towards the centrality of open source data within the big data, cloud as well as hosting markets.

    Magento is perhaps the most popular ecommerce platform amongst small vendors. Fact that magento doesn’t not requires technical expertise in order to develop effectively, will witness the emergence of hosting providers who provide the infrastructure for deploying magento as well as making it simple enough for smaller companies and smaller vendors without a large support of IT staff to utilize.

    When it comes down to electronic as well as mobile commerce, it seems like that the current trend is about the convergence of this channel around, magento itself. Thus emerging magento solutions across small vendors are all ready to make the future brighter for them so that business in turn becomes easier than it was in the previous circumstances.

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  2. #2
    New member jeffmarlon's Avatar
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    There is no doubt in it that Magento is the future of e-commerce websites. No any other CMS can provide such useful features to the Dynamic websites except Magento. That's why many big online businesses use that CMS in their dynamic and e-commerce websites.

  3. #3
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    Because its going good currently,I can see it at a good stage ahead.The thing is when we are taking care of all the statistics there is a need of being moderated in terms of learning and dealing with things that lets us understand how appropriate something is for us so yeah this is the actual format its going to maintain a good image for future also.

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