Do you want to keep your customers updated new product information and get more profit from your bussiness ?
Do you want to increase interaction between customers and your store by automatically sending new product information to the customers via email?
Magesolution have launched a newest called Category Alert extension allows Customers can subscribe to product categories and get product information as long as new products are added.


Show Subscription section in each category
Customers can subscribe to any categories they want
Customers can login to their account to remove the categories they don't want to get updated with new products
When new products are added to the categories of your store, the new products information will be automatically sent to subscribers on those categories
Admin panel functions

Admin can setup cron job to send email in back-end
Admin can update text title and text description for tool tip to show on Subcription section at front end
Admin can create different mail templates for different categories, or create one mail template for all categories
The list of new products will be added to mail template when being sent to customer
Other features

100% open source and easy to install, configure
HTML/ CSS and W3C validation
(Visit home page )

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