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Creating a Magento Custom API or Extending the Magento Core API

  1. #1
    Administrator david's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Creating a Magento Custom API or Extending the Magento Core API

    The Core API allows you to manage a set of common resources used in Magento. However, you may choose to have your own set of resources to manage, or you may wish to extend the Core API to handle additional resources.

    This tutorial leads you through the process of creating a custom API for a customer module that handles basic customer information.

    Note: This tutorial applies to v1 of the API.

    To learn more about the Core API, to read Magento Core API calls.

    For general information about the Magento API, go to the Introduction.

    1. Creating an XML File that Will Define the API Resource

    Create a file named api.xml in the /etc folder in the customer module. Start with the empty structure, as follows:

    HTML Code:

    2. Adding a Resource Named Customer

    Add an element named customer in the element. Add a element, with elements for list, create, info, update and remove methods for customer resource.

    Note that:
    • list will return all customers
    • create will create a new customer
    • info will return data on a specified customer
    • update will update data on a specified customer
    • remove will delete data on a specified customer

    HTML Code:
          <customer translate="title" module="customer">
            <title>Customer Resource</title>
              <list translate="title" module="customer">
                <title>Retrive customers</title>
              <create translate="title" module="customer">
                <title>Create customer</title>
              <info translate="title" module="customer">
                <title>Retrieve customer data</title>
              <update translate="title" module="customer">
                <title>Update customer data</title>
                <title>Delete customer</title>
            <faults module="customer">

    3. Adding Faults

    The resource can return some faults, so add a element in the customer element, and list the various faults.

    HTML Code:
          <customer translate="title" module="customer">
            <faults module="customer"> <!-- module="customer" specifies the module which will be used for translation. -->
              <data_invalid> <!-- if we get invalid input data for customers -->
                <code>100</code >
                <!-- we cannot know all the errors that can appear, their details can be found in error message for call -->
                <message>Invalid customer data. Details in error message.</message>
                <code>101</code >
                <message>Invalid filters specified. Details in error message.</message>
                <code>102</code >
                <message>Customer doesn't exist.</message>
                <code>103</code >
                <message>Customer was not deleted. Details in error message.</message>

    4. Describing the Access Control List (ACL) for the Resource

    In order to prevent unauthorized access to our custom API, you must first list the resources that are restricted within the element.

    HTML Code:
              <customer translate="title" module="customer">
                 <list translate="title" module="customer">
                  <title>View All</title>
                 <create translate="title" module="customer">
                 <info translate="title" module="customer">
                  <title>Get Info</title>
                 <update translate="title" module="customer">
                 <delete translate="title" module="customer">
    Then, map ACL resources to API resource methods by adding an element to each part of the resource that needs restricting:

    HTML Code:
          <customer translate="title" module="customer">
            <title>Customer Resource</title>
              <list translate="title" module="customer">
                <title>Retrive customers</title>
              <create translate="title" module="customer">
                <title>Create customer</title>
              <info translate="title" module="customer">
                <title>Retrieve customer data</title>
              <update translate="title" module="customer">
                <title>Update customer data</title>
                <title>Delete customer</title>

    5. Creating PHP Code

    Next, write some PHP code to access the resources. Start by creating a class called Mage_Customer_Model_Api that extends Mage_Api_Model_Resource_Abstract. Save it into a file called api.php.

    PHP Code:
    class Mage_Customer_Model_Api extends Mage_Api_Model_Resource_Abstract

      public function 

      public function 

      public function 

      public function 

      public function 

    Note that you cannot create method “list” because it’s a PHP keyword, so instead the method is named items. In order to make this work, add a element into the element in api.xml, as shown below.

    HTML Code:
          <customer translate="title" module="customer">
            <model>customer/api</model> <!-- our model -->
            <title>Customer Resource</title>
              <list translate="title" module="customer">
                <title>Retrive customers</title>
                <method>items</method> <!-- we have another method name inside our resource -->
    Now add some simple functionality to the Mage_Customer_Model_Api methods you created.

    Create a customer:

    PHP Code:
    public function create($customerData)
        try {
    $customer Mage::getModel('customer/customer')
        } catch (
    Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
    // We cannot know all the possible exceptions,
          // so let's try to catch the ones that extend Mage_Core_Exception
    } catch (Exception $e) {
    Retrieve customer info:

    PHP Code:
    public function info($customerId)
    $customer Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customerId);
        if (!
    $customer->getId()) {
    // If customer not found.
    // We can use only simple PHP data types in webservices.

    Retrieve list of customers using filtering:

    PHP Code:
    public function items($filters)
    $collection Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->getCollection()
    addAttributeToSelect(' ');

        if (
    is_array($filters)) {
          try {
            foreach (
    $filters as $field => $value) {
          } catch (
    Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
    // If we are adding filter on non-existent attribute

    $result = array();
        foreach (
    $collection as $customer) {
    $result[] = $customer->toArray();

    Update a customer:

    PHP Code:
    public function update($customerId$customerData)
    $customer Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customerId);

        if (!
    $customer->getId()) {
    // No customer found

    Delete a customer:

    PHP Code:
    public function delete($customerId)
    $customer Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customerId);

        if (!
    $customer->getId()) {
    // No customer found

        try {
        } catch (
    Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
    // Some errors while deleting.


    Creating a Custom Adapter

    In order to create custom webservice adapter, implement the Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Interface, which is shown below.

    PHP Code:
    interface Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Interface
    Set handler class name for webservice
    @param string $handler
    @return Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Interface

    Retrive handler class name for webservice
    @return string [basc]

    Set webservice api controller
    @param Mage_Api_Controller_Action $controller
    @return Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Interface
    setController(Mage_Api_Controller_Action $controller);

    Retrive webservice api controller
    @return Mage_Api_Controller_Action

    Run webservice
    @return Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Interface

    Dispatch webservice fault
    @param int $code
    @param string $message

    // Class Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Interface End 
    Here is an example implementation for XML-RPC:

    PHP Code:
    class Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Customxmlrpc
    extends Varien_Object
    implements Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Interface
    XmlRpc Server
    @var Zend_XmlRpc_Server
    $_xmlRpc null;

    Set handler class name for webservice
    @param string $handler
    @return Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Xmlrpc
      public function 

    Retrive handler class name for webservice
    @return string
      public function 

    Set webservice api controller
    @param Mage_Api_Controller_Action $controller
    @return Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Xmlrpc
      public function 
    setController(Mage_Api_Controller_Action $controller)

    Retrive webservice api controller
    @return Mage_Api_Controller_Action
      public function 

    Run webservice
    @param Mage_Api_Controller_Action $controller
    @return Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Xmlrpc
      public function 
    $this->_xmlRpc = new Zend_XmlRpc_Server();

    Dispatch webservice fault
    @param int $code
    @param string $message
      public function 
        throw new 
    // Class Mage_Api_Model_Server_Adapter_Customxmlrpc End 
    Notes: The setHandler, getHandler, setController and getController methods have a simple implementation that uses the Varien_Object getData and setData methods.

    The run and fault methods are a native implementation for an XML-RPC webservice. The run method defines webservice logic in this adapter for creating an XML-RPC server to handle XML-RPC requests.

    PHP Code:
    public function run()
            $this->_xmlRpc = new Zend_XmlRpc_Server();
            return $this;
    The “fault” method allows you to send fault exceptions for XML-RPC service when handling requests.

    PHP Code:
    public function fault($code$message)
            throw new Zend_XmlRpc_Server_Exception($message$code);

    Common Error Messages

    The following are common error messages that you might receive when creating your own custom API.

    Invalid API path

    This error occurs when the methods listed in the api.xml file do not correspond exactly with those used in your PHP file.

    For example, in your api.xml file, you might have this:

    HTML Code:
          <checkout_cart translate="title" module="checkout">
            <title>Cart API</title>
              <list translate="title" module="checkout">
                <title>Retrieve cart data</title>
    You should have a corresponding info method in your PHP file.

    PHP Code:
    class Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart_Api extends Mage_Cart_Model_Api_Resource
      public function 

    If you are missing this method, the error “Invalid api path” will be returned.

    Source: Magento Official

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    Junior Member
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    What are the Magento web APIs? The Magento web API framework provides integrators and developers the means to use web services that communicate with the Magento system. Key features include: Support for both REST (Representational State Transfer) and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)


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