Virtuemart Gift Store Template

Virtuemart Gift Store Template is designed especially for gifts, baby gift store, children’s store, wedding favors, and art gallery stores. The template is elegant and modern combining great colors like white and red. This is an ideal design that gives your website a professional look you need and comes with lots of features to help you build a new online store quickly.

Gift Store is an eye catching template that includes an easy to use built in slideshow, collapsible module positions, fixed or variable layouts plus much more. All sub-pages are customized. The template looks very nice with its clean and attractive look. If you are looking for a great and innovative Joomla Virtuemart Gift Store Template, it’s good that you’re here. You will be surprised at how beautiful your online gift store is.


Why should you bought Joomla Virtuemart Template from Cmsmart? Because we focus on Virtuemart Ecommercial Solutions and we are the #1 template developer on this market base on list of Template features we constantly add in to our products.

We divide these features into different main sections as below

Designs of Template Concept:
PSD design of Home Page (top header, product module, banners, main sections, footer...)
PSD design of Template Module Position
PSD design of Product Detail Page
PSD design of Product Listing Page ( in Gird or List style)
PSD design of Virtuemart Cart Check Out Page
PSD design of Virtuemart Ajax Drop Down Cart
PSD design of Virtuemart Ajax Product Search
PSD design of Virtuemart Mega Menu
PSD design of Logo
PSD design of Banners used in Demo site
All Images of Demo Products
...other designs and files included

Product Detail: Virtuemart Gift Store Template

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