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Joomla Fashion Virtuemart Template Cmsmart

  1. #1
    Junior Member cmsmart's Avatar
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    Default Joomla Fashion Virtuemart Template Cmsmart

    Joomla Fashion Virtuemart Template

    Fashion's online shop always needs special functions and stylish design, and moreover, a web template have to be in popular color so it can be used for variety objectives of shopper developers, that what it took around 3 months for us to care each minimum details of Fashionmart template for Virtuemart 2 and Joomla CMS.
    But the final result is amazing! This template is released with a lot of excitement from our team and many demo testers.
    The Fashionmart has all best features of a popular online fashion store which drop-down multiple column menus, front page banner sliders with many effects, stylish logo, banner column for advertising, top latest products module on front pages, top feature products on front pages, video clips and news/blogs sections, mega menu with all necessary information for a fashion-shop...
    Just replace the logo and you can have another Fashiomart style for your Virtuemart 2.x.x shop. And you can hire us to make custom change, or development for your own site.
    The highlight of Fashion Virtuemart Template
    - Frontpage Banners Slideshow with many transformer effects. This module will help shop owners to introduce news special products, fashion events, big sale promotions in a large view and bring the first impression to website visitors.
    - Mega Menu on Template header is so powerful to help us display as much as featured links as possible. The Menu also can included video clips, products images...
    - New Sections now is well displayed and managed by K2 Components. Video clips is managed by a Joomla Video Components.
    - Search product Instant with Ajax Search Module for Virtuemart, just type in product keyword and you can see the thumbnail and product name drop down as a search result. This module is developed by Netbase team for Virtuemart 2 and included in Fashiomart templates package.
    - Product Detail pages is completely re-designed with Products Photo Slideshow, Stylish Thumbnail iCon for Additional product photo, Manufacturer Logo, Virtuemart Product Attribute, Deliver Icon, Rating & Review layout together with other categories display at the bottom of product detail page.
    - The Product Detail Pages now also includes special Features of an Online Fashion Shop: Size Guide with pop up window to demonstrate the information about clothes size, TAB in product description to help add more information about each products, Delivery information now is transformed to horizontal banner and the Relates Products now be arrange in Vertical banner to shorten the product Page.
    - Packaged with Product Slide Show in Front Pages, Social Network Button on every page, your Facebook, Youtube, Twitter account to be linked in footer and supported multi-languages.

    PRODUCT DETAIL: Joomla Fashion Virtuemart Template

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  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2015
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    good job!
    I would like to introduce to everyone a gorgeous Joomla Fashion Template: LT Fashion
    It is tailored for clothes / fashion shop websites. It is 100% responsive, clean and stylish. The template comes with 6 colors schemes, but in fact it is really customizable, has drag and drop tools and color settings helping to create unique websites with various layouts.


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