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Magento REST API, User given admin role but only granted Guest access

  1. #1
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    Default Magento REST API, User given admin role but only granted Guest access

    I'm writing an app in python that accesses a Magento server using OAuth/REST etc.

    The OAuth authentication has been completed, I have the two consumer tokens & the 2 access tokens. Within Magento itself I've followed the configuration steps outlined in numerous blogs - setting up the REST Roles, Attributes & Consumers, and the User Permissions & Roles. I've been over it 500 times (it feels that way!) and can't see any errors, the user's using the REST consumer which has authorized tokens, the user's role is Administrator, so on & so forth.

    I noticed something was wrong when, after completing the OAuth process, I tried to post a product to Magento (its database is empty) and received a 403 Access Denied. A Get attempt received the same. I enabled REST API access for Guest, and now the Get receives an empty json array and of course the Post still has the 403.

    Therefore despite the user setup with an Admin role, using a Consumer that has full admin-level access, Magento is only providing Guest privileges. Is it possible that despite providing the consumer & access tokens, Magento is not actually logging me in & that's why its reverting to Guest status? How can I tell whether Magento's accepted the OAuth tokens or if there's a problem somewhere? Alternately is there a configuration step I've missed?

    Any info at all that'll provide a way past this roadblock would be much appreciated

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  2. #2
    New member
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    Mar 2015
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    Hi , How did you go about your implementation ? I faced similar errors as you did .


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