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Magento Ajax Search Autocomplete and Suggest by CmsMart

  1. #1
    Junior Member cmsmart's Avatar
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    Default Magento Ajax Search Autocomplete and Suggest by CmsMart

    Magento Ajax Search Autocomplete and Suggest
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    Magento Ajax Search Autocomplete and Suggest is the easiest and most flexible way to add an attractive Ajax powered quick search to your search box.

    Easy product searching is the key component for a user-friendly shopping site, and this Magento Ajax search extension will enhance your magento website searching with powerful autocomplete and keyword suggest features.

    Even though you did smart arrangement of website layout with menu, product module and other guideline techniques, officially research still confirm that 90% user still prefer to use keyword search for what they want immediately on your website. For Magento, easy searching means finding products easy which means a better user experience and increased sales. Moreover, products categories, search queries, static information modules and pages are all searchable and can satisfy your user until they have enough information to give a purchase decision.

    How it works?

    Magento Ajax Search use Ajax technologies to simplify the loading process of search quires and database loading to give almost instant search result to you website user. When they type any letter to the search box, the module instantly looks for the match results of beginning letter and call out suggested search terms and products. It automatically suggests and shows the pop-up with found products, categories and even CMS pages while one is typing in a search box.

    The keyword will be getting from product title, product description, product meta tag, category name and description, all html modules or any static pages on your magento website.

    The whole process is quite fast and works great even if you have a lot of products, categories and static pages.

    The appearance of the pop-up is fully customizable in Magento admin configuration. You can change every element, starting from the color of keywords' highlight, backgrounds, borders, and shadow and finishing the layout of the pop-up.

    Main Features:

    Instant search results: Magento Ajax Search Autocomplete and Suggest extensions automatically detects what your customers are typing and suggests results matching entered letters, the search suggest results will be displayed as they enter their search terms in the search box.
    Powered with AJAX, so it doesn’t load your full database of products, only those that have been matched so the search doesn’t reboot the entire webpage and the search is very fast. AJAX-based pop-up search result window will also work fast indeed.
    Enable/ Disable the Magento Ajax Search Extension without affect the core Magento search module
    Configure the search pop-up window to which box size, border color, border width, hover background…
    Configure the display element of title color…
    Show matching category of products in the search result
    Highlight matching terms in search result and can configure the size and color of the highlight
    Configure the minimum characters to search, ex: Searches after only the third character has been entered
    Configure the time to request in milliseconds
    Turn on/ off the suggest functions, and also configure the text color or suggest terms, count the number of suggest terms…
    Show matching product with the search term and user can make a purchase
    Show matching CMS pages which have relevant content with search term
    Configure the numbers of product, categories, query suggestions, and pages to be display in search pop-up window
    Configure the product details to show only necessary details in the pop-up from number of product display, product image, product name, short description, description, price, rating
    Configurable number of character of product description in the pop-up
    Chang the color of product price, product description, product name
    Configure the product thumbnail height, width, border…
    Configure the order and sort of product by different criteria ( ex, Sort search results in alphabetical order)
    Ability to specify different results order for products (Price, Name, Relevance)
    Ability to group products by categories in the pop-up
    Ability to hide out of stock products
    Ability to search by any product text attribute
    Multi languages support
    No result notification message can be customized by your own text in admin configuration
    More features:

    A must-have extension for every Magento ecommerce website.
    Easy 1 minute installation, we can help to install for you with our excellent ticket support team.
    Supports all major browsers (IE7+, FireFox, Opera, Chrome, Safari)
    Based on Ajax, no need for jQuery or any other javascript library.
    Completely configurable through admin interface (overal look, suggested product description, suggested product image).
    Overal look 100% based on one css file which can be also configured in module backend or directly via CSS file.
    Don't affect Magento default search module.
    100% open sources

    Magento Ajax Search Autocomplete and Suggest| Demo

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  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Having this sort of things as something which works for us is how it all can be working,So yeah this is the most appropriate way for it and at the same time we can get to be better at things.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for sharing!

    Here is another useful Advanced Search and Fast Autocomplete Extension that can optimize search process by allowing customers to search by names, SKUs, description or short description

    Name:  magento_advanced_search_and_fast_autocomplete_1.png
Views: 659
Size:  109.2 KB

  4. #4
    Junior Member Alexsmith's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing!

    For more Magento 2.0 Extension, let's check out this site!

  5. #5
    Junior Member stefan68's Avatar
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    Hi guys,
    All are awesome modules.
    I suggest an extension that also supports Ajax Search Autocomplete and Suggest function. It called Wholesale Fast Order for Magento 2 by BSSCommerce.
    I found that it has previous version for Magento 1 as well. It supports not only Ajax Search Autocomplete and Suggest, but also Add multiple products to cart at once that is really helpful for merchants and B2B business.
    So try it here to enjoy experience of Wholesale Fast Order for Magento 2:

  6. #6
    Junior Member simon.walker's Avatar
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    I would recommend to try Multi-features Ajax Login Magento extension by FME which not only integrates social login feature to your Magento store but also integrate an instant Ajax search feature to your store. The search box shows search results to customers in dropdown by just entering a few characters.

    Ajax Search Settings

    • Enable / Disable Ajax Search
    • Minimal number of characters to show suggestions
    • Invitation text in search input field
    • Maximum number of products to show
    • Select Searchable attributes

    Other Features:
    • Display Search Box In Ajax Based Top Bar
    • Limit Fields To Display On Top Bar
    • Add Top Bar For Login, Register, Cart, Checkout

    More info:

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