Lingerie VirtueMart Template

Are you looking for a seductive design for your lingerie online store while also hesitate to choose its ecommercial features, go no where but purchase this Virtuemart Template for Lingerie Joomla Store. This is the best lingerie template on the market and developed with all our great ecommercial experience!

Any owner of lingerie shop wants to be different from the competitors with a clean design and a seductive allure to draw lots of customers. We understand that! Selling Lingerie online is not easy at all, and we need to invest a lot of time and money to deliver a real shopping experience to our women shoppers. A pink color often being used as well as high quality of model photos throughout the website to best explain how the lingerie looks and fit to client's body!

Our awesome templates also includes HTML5, CSS & jQuery website templates and built in Virtuemart ecommercial system. This Virtuemart Lingerie template is on the cutting edge of web design and technology and include amazing features like homepage intro slideshow animations powered, interesting page transitions, easy review product detail with Quick view function, drop down mega menus, photo galleries, contact us forms social networking icons, rollover effects... more! The combination of black and pink helps to create the sweet feeling while slider of sexy models in lacy lingerie looks attractive on white fancy background.

Just exploring more feature of this templates which you will ready to use just 5 minutes after purchase it

Why should you bought Joomla Virtuemart Template from Cmsmart? Because we focus on Virtuemart Ecommercial Solutions and we are the #1 template developer on this market base on list of Template features we constantly add in to our products.

We divide these features into different main sections as below

Designs of Template Concept:
PSD design of Home Page (top header, product module, banners, main sections, footer...)
PSD design of Template Module Position
PSD design of Product Detail Page
PSD design of Product Listing Page ( in Gird or List style)
PSD design of Virtuemart Cart Check Out Page
PSD design of Virtuemart Ajax Drop Down Cart
PSD design of Virtuemart Ajax Product Seach
PSD design of Virtuemart Mega Menu
PSD design of Logo
PSD design of Banners used in Demo site
All Images of Demo Products
...other designs and files included

For Joomla Virtuemart Template Header
Top Hotline number of your store on top bar, this can be replace with any customer services number (optional)
Top Live Chat Icon to open live chat module (optional)
Useful User Menu such as: You account, Profile, Register...which almost all user have to use when they do shopping on your site
Virtuemart Currency converter module to switch between currency (product detail)
Virtuemart Languages switcher module to chose Joomla and Virtuemart languages (product detail )
Logo is supplied with PSD files and can be replace easily with your own logo
Virtuemart Product Ajax Search to use keyword as product name and instant suggestion of result with product thumbnail (product detail )
Virtuemart Ajax Drop Down Cart to instantly display any "added-to-cart" product. A list of all in-cart products is drop down when hover your mouse and have a button to check out page ( product detail)
Joomla Powerful Megamenu which can add columns of menu links, product images, video demonstration...

For Joomla Virtuemart Template FrontPage
Joomla Frontpage Slider module to display main website banner of New Product, Promotion Product.
3 Joomla HTML modules right of Slider Module to display any information like Promotion, Special Discount, Delivery shortcut...
Virtuemart Latest Products module with "New" icon on Front Page
Virtuemart Promotion Products module to display discounts and dollar amount saved, a "Promotion" icon included
Virtuemart Featured Products module to display "your highlighted" products on FrontPage

For Joomla Virtuemart Template Footer section
Joomla Video Module and Video Management System to facilitate the video marketing and product video demonstration
Joomla News Section to display latest market, product news, blog items can also be used the same way
Virtuemart Manufacturer module with Logo display to link to each brand list of products ( product detail)
Multiple Joomla module position in column at footer to display shortcut links
Payment icons to show up your payment policy
Newsletter module ( we use Acyba) included to help on users Subscription ( product detail )
Multiple Joomla module position in column at footer to display shortcut links

For Virtuemart Product Listing Page
Product hover effect to bring fancy love effect to shopper when broswering many product
Multilanguage is 100% compatible
Virtuemart Product Quicklook in product listing page ( product detail
List View or Grid View in Product Listing Page
Joomla banner in left, right or top, bottom to display whatever you want to do with your banner
Virtuemart Product Filter module

For Virtuemart Product Detail Page
Virtuemart Product Image Zoomer module in product detail ( product detail )
Virtuemart Product Custom fields support&
Tabs in Virtuemart product detail pages to short up the Information
Virtuemart Product Recently views
Virtuemart Product review support
Social Media Share for each product
SEO friendly URL support
SEO keyword, meta tag, meta keyword support
Add-to-cart Notification pop up support

For Virtuemart Check Out Page
Virtuemart Product Delivery included
Work with One Page Check Out layout ( you have to buy this plugin seperately - product detail )

CSS HTML coding
LESS CSS compilation powered by lessphp reduces overall requests while making CSS development more powerful and intuitive
Built with CSS3
Well-comment CSS and PHP code files
Optimized code for search engines which helps in SEO
Multiple column ( main, left, right, top, footer, bottom, banner, inner, users...up to 65 module positions depend on template itself)

Documentation and Support
Multilanguage is 100% compatible
Delivered with “QuickStart Package” with Demo data ready
Delivered with PSD files.
Fully tested and works great with all modern web browsers: Chrome, Firefox 3.6+, IE7,8,9,10, Safari
6 month new versions updates for Free
Lifetime ticket support ( at here )
Fully support public forum
All of these template features are included in our Joomla Virtuemart templates selling on

Detail: Lingerie VirtueMart Template

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