Magento provides a variety of simple-to-use design options that enable you to apply your own customized look-and-feel to your Magento web store with basic HTML knowledge.
Following are some of the terms you should be familiar with when customizing the design of your store:
Block: A Magento CE feature that modularizes page elements for easier management.
Content block: Block that produces content, such as the content of a category list, mini cart, or product list. See also Structural block.
Content Management System (CMS): A Magento CE feature that stores pages or parts of pages that you can use in your store.
Layout: File that maps content blocks to structural blocks. More than one content block can be mapped to a single structural block.
Skin file: File that define the visual functional specifications of page elements, such as text, graphics, and the logic behind buttons and other controls.
Structural block: Block created for the sole purpose of assigning visual structure to a store page; for example, header, footer, left column, main column.
Template: A collection of XML and other files that define the block structure and logic for visual presentation.
Theme: a collection of templates and skin files that control the visual elements of your store. These visual elements are applied to all pages in your store, giving your store a consistent look and feel throughout.View more threads in the same category:
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