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Magento system settings overview
Customizing Magento System Configuration. Part 1
Today we will customize tabs and sections, groups and fields without using system.xml.
Certainly, we know that Magento has a great event system and this knowledge will help us to make changes in the System Configuration.
For our purposes, we will create a new module and call it ‘SystemConfig’. It consists of three files. First of them is for initialing our module:
HTML Code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Afterwards, we need to create module configuration file. That is the second one:
HTML Code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
However, let’s check what we have now. So, in the configuration file we define model, configure event, and also, the event ‘adminhtml_init_system_config’ which makes possible to work with System Configuration data.
And, the third one, the last file – it is an observer, where we do all the magic: app/code/local/Atwix/SystemConfig/Model/Observer.php
PHP Code:
class Atwix_SystemConfig_Model_Observer
public function changeSystemConfig(Varien_Event_Observer $observe)
$config = $observe->getConfig();
return $this;
Okey, we put debug breakpoint to the line with the return statement and have a good inspect of the picture being used:
Check this out!
In the config, there are all the tabs and sections, and in the section – groups and fields, but what about to try some changes. For example, let’s change sort order and label for ‘advanced’ tab and add a comment to the ‘Startup Page’ field.
Thuswise, at first – change code in the observer: app/code/local/Atwix/SystemConfig/Model/Observer.php
PHP Code:
class Atwix_SystemConfig_Model_Observer
public function changeSystemConfig(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
//get init sections and tabs
$config = $observer->getConfig();
//get tab 'advanced', change sort order and label
$advancedTab = $config->getNode('tabs/advanced');
$advancedTab->sort_order = 1;
$advancedTab->label .= ' (on top)';
//get field 'page', add comment
$config->getNode('sections/admin/groups/startup/fields/page')->comment = 'after successful login you will see this page';
return $this;
Great, advanced tab on the top!
After what, it is possible to make a lot of changes.
Moreover, we can also create tabs and section, group and field, besides that, using Mage_Core_Model_Config_Element class we are able to work with elements: create, edit, append, extend, etc. And the next example shows us how to add a new group with the fields to the ‘admin’ section. In this case, the observer should have the following code: app/code/local/Atwix/SystemConfig/Model/Observer.php
PHP Code:
class Atwix_SystemConfig_Model_Observer
public function changeSystemConfig(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
//get init sections and tabs
$config = $observer->getConfig();
//get tab 'advanced', change sort order and label
$advancedTab = $config->getNode('tabs/advanced');
$advancedTab->sort_order = 1;
$advancedTab->label .= ' (on top)';
//get field 'page', add comment
$config->getNode('sections/admin/groups/startup/fields/page')->comment = 'after successful login you will see this page';
//add new group with fields in section 'admin'
$adminSectionGroups = $config->getNode('sections/admin/groups');
$new_group_xml = new Mage_Core_Model_Config_Element('
<label>New Group</label>
<label>Disable Message</label>
return $this;
But, if we wish it is possible to implement a lot of things and reinvent the wheel =)
At the same time, it will be highly helpful to make some changes in the System Configuration while using the observer.
Source: Atwix
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