Specifically we will see how to
- Create drop down in system.xml and show custom values in it, rather than using default magento classes only
- How to create an import/export csv feature using system.xml
Before reading this blog make sure you understand basics of system.xml, if not go though Part 5
Custom Dropdown in system.xml
Below is the system.xml for a drop down
HTML Code:
<test translate="label">
<label>A Test Section</label>
<!-- New groups go here -->
<sample translate="label">
<label>A Sample Group</label>
<!-- New fields go here -->
<ENABLED translate="label comment">
<comment><![CDATA[This text appears just beneath the field with a small arrow.<span class="notice">It can contain HTML formatting too!</span>]]></comment>
>source_model< attribute tell magento from where to fetch the values for the drop down menu. Mage/Adminhtml/Model/System/Config/Source directory contains lots of useful sources already defined like “Yes/No” or “Enable/Disable” or lists of countries, currencies or languages.
If you want to create your custom source_Model, you need to do the following steps:
Create a Source.php in app/code/local/Excellence/Test/Model/Source.php Excellence_Test is our module name. You need to create a function name toOptionArray() as mention below, the value and label can be anything you want to be display in dropdown
PHP Code:
class Excellence_Test_Model_Source
public function toOptionArray()
return array(
array('value' => 0, 'label' =>'First item'),
array('value' => 1, 'label' => 'Second item'),
array('value' => 2, 'label' =>'third item'),
// and so on...
Add this model to your system.xml
HTML Code:
Only these steps are required to create a custom drop down. Rest all is handled by magento.
How to create an import csv/xml
To have an export browse button only this piece of code in system.xml can do the work. You have to paste this code in fields tag of system.xml
HTML Code:
<export translate="label">
The complete system.xml is as below
HTML Code:
<test translate="label">
<label>A Test Section</label>
<!-- New groups go here -->
<SAMPLE translate="label">
<label>A Sample Group</label>
<export translate="label">
Secondly to add an import browse button you have to add a following xml in system.xml
HTML Code:
<import translate="label">
Now we need to define where the processing for the importing occurs, like if you are importing a csv file, where does it get saved to database. For that we have defined the backend_model i.e “test/csv”
Where “test” is my Module name and csv is a php file that I created in Model folder of my custom Module. So we will create a model: app/code/local/Excellence/Test/Model/Csv.php
PHP Code:
class Excellence_Test_Model_Csv extends Mage_Core_Model_Config_Data
public function _afterSave()
As you can see we are simply calling a function in another model.
In this Test.php you can simply write your code in the function uploadAndImport()
PHP Code:
class Excellence_Test_Model_Mysql4_Test extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract
public function uploadAndImport(Varien_Object $object)
$csvFile = $_FILES['groups']['tmp_name']['SAMPLE']['fields']['import']['value'];
/*this $csvFile have all the data from the csv file you can use you logic to extract and save in database.
Here $_FILES['groups']['tmp_name']['SAMPLE']['fields']['import']['value'];
Here ‘groups’ is for group tag in system.xml.
‘tmp_name’ is temporary location where file is save
‘sample’ stands for name of group. E.g. in our system.xml SAMPLE is one group
‘fields’ stands for field tag in system.xml.
‘import’ stands of name of field of import browse button in system.xml
‘value’ stands for value of file uploaded.
$csvFile = $_FILES['groups']['tmp_name']['SAMPLE']['fields']['import']['value'];
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