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Source, frontend and backend models in Magento system settings

  1. #1
    Moderator speed2x's Avatar
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    Cool Source, frontend and backend models in Magento system settings

    Source Model – a model class that serves to get existing values (stored in the db or somewhere else) for further displaying inside the setting’s field.

    Frontend Model – as a rule, it’s a block’s class. Methods of this class return html of setting’s field. To be more specific, the block had to have method _getElementHtml() described inside the class which returns the raw html of setting’s field.

    Backend Model – a class which allows to operate with configuration data on the different stages (save, load). It contains three major methods respectively for each event: _afterLoad(), _beforeSave() and _afterSave().

    If you are interested in, you can always find the working examples of each of them in the Magento core itself. But firstly, let’s try to look on some custom examples of these models. The following part describes how to create a drop down menu with the custom values:

    Init setting’s field in your system.xml:

    HTML Code:

    Then, create the source model that was specified above:

    PHP Code:
    class Atwix_Shoppingbar_Model_Adminhtml_System_Config_Source_Color
       public function 
    $themes = array(
    'value' => 'green''label' => 'Green'),
    'value' => 'blue''label' => 'Blue'),
    'value' => 'beige''label' => 'Beige'),

    As you can see, there’s only one method toOptionArray(). It returns an array with the items (value -> label) for the drop down menu. Nothing difficult is here
    Let’s look onto another example to find out how to use frontend and source models. The best point is to review editable items list setting since it has both. The setting described below operates with the text items. It allows to add/remove email addresses:

    HTML Code:
        <label>Blocked Email Addresses</label>

    Frontend model is a block:

    PHP Code:
    class Atwix_Emailblocker_Block_Adminhtml_Addresses extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form_Field
    $_addRowButtonHtml = array();
    $_removeRowButtonHtml = array();
        * Returns html part of the setting
        * @param Varien_Data_Form_Element_Abstract $element
        * @return string
    protected function _getElementHtml(Varien_Data_Form_Element_Abstract $element)
    $html '<div id="emailblocker_addresses_template" style="display:none">';
    $html .= $this->_getRowTemplateHtml();
    $html .= '</div>';
    $html .= '<ul id="emailblocker_addresses_container">';
           if (
    $this->_getValue('addresses')) {
               foreach (
    $this->_getValue('addresses') as $i => $f) {
                   if (
    $i) {
    $html .= $this->_getRowTemplateHtml($i);
    $html .= '</ul>';
    $html .= $this->_getAddRowButtonHtml('emailblocker_addresses_container',
    'emailblocker_addresses_template'$this->__('Add New Email'));
        * Retrieve html template for setting
        * @param int $rowIndex
        * @return string
    protected function _getRowTemplateHtml($rowIndex 0)
    $html '<li>';
    $html .= '<div style="margin:5px 0 10px;">';
    $html .= '<input style="width:100px;" name="'
    $this->getElement()->getName() . '[addresses][]" value="'
    $this->_getValue('addresses/' $rowIndex) . '" ' $this->_getDisabled() . '/> ';
    $html .= $this->_getRemoveRowButtonHtml();
    $html .= '</div>';
    $html .= '</li>';
       protected function 
    $this->getElement()->getDisabled() ? ' disabled' '';
       protected function 
    $this->getElement()->getData('value/' $key);
       protected function 
    $this->getElement()->getData('value/' $key) == $value 'selected="selected"' '';
       protected function 
           if (!isset(
    $this->_addRowButtonHtml[$container])) {
    $this->_addRowButtonHtml[$container] = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/widget_button')
    setClass('add ' $this->_getDisabled())
    setOnClick("Element.insert($('" $container "'), {bottom: $('" $template "').innerHTML})")
       protected function 
    _getRemoveRowButtonHtml($selector 'li'$title 'Delete')
           if (!
    $this->_removeRowButtonHtml) {
    $this->_removeRowButtonHtml $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/widget_button')
    setClass('delete v-middle ' $this->_getDisabled())
    setOnClick("Element.remove($(this).up('" $selector "'))")

    It’s pretty huge. We have described the full version to show what’s going on there. You can simple extend your block from Mage_GoogleCheckout_Block_Adminhtml_Shipping_Merch ant and override the necessary methods.
    Backend model, in this case, it’s a standard Magento model:

    PHP Code:
    class Mage_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Backend_Serialized extends Mage_Core_Model_Config_Data
        protected function 
            if (!
    is_array($this->getValue())) {
    $value $this->getValue();
    $this->setValue(empty($value) ? false unserialize($value));
        protected function 
            if (
    is_array($this->getValue())) {

    As you can see, it simply unserializes/serializes field’s values before load/save respectively. That’s all. You are always able to improvise with the models described below to get the best result. If you want non-trivial form element – use your own fronted model. To get available values for settings you should use the source model. And if you need to save/load data in your format or make some other actions on these events – feel free to use the backend model.
    Good luck and graceful solutions

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  2. #2
    Junior Member golddev's Avatar
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    Thanked 9 Times in 5 Posts


    Very useful source tips for me. Thanks

  3. #3
    Administrator david's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Thanked 42 Times in 34 Posts


    Nice to know. Thanks

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