Validate Class |
Meaning |
validate-select |
Please select an option. |
required-entry |
This is a required field. |
validate-number |
Please enter a valid number in this field. |
validate-digits |
Please use numbers only in this field. please avoid spaces or other characters such as dots or commas. |
validate-alpha |
Please use letters only (a-z or A-Z) in this field. |
validate-code |
Please use only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) or underscore(_) in this field, first character should be a letter. |
validate-alphanum |
Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z) or numbers (0-9) only in this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed. |
validate-street |
Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z) or numbers (0-9) or spaces and # only in this field. |
validate-phoneStrict |
Please enter a valid phone number. For example (123) 456-7890 or 123-456-7890. |
validate-phoneLax |
Please enter a valid phone number. For example (123) 456-7890 or 123-456-7890. |
validate-fax |
Please enter a valid fax number. For example (123) 456-7890 or 123-456-7890. |
validate-date |
Please enter a valid date. |
validate-email |
Please enter a valid email address. For example [email protected]. |
validate-emailSender |
Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9) , underscore(_) or spaces in this field. |
validate-password |
Please enter 6 or more characters. Leading or trailing spaces will be ignored. |
validate-admin-password |
Please enter 7 or more characters. Password should contain both numeric and alphabetic characters. |
validate-cpassword |
Please make sure your passwords match. |
validate-url |
Please enter a valid URL. http:// is required |
validate-clean-url |
Please enter a valid URL. For example or |
validate-identifier |
Please enter a valid Identifier. For example example-page, example-page.html or anotherlevel/example-page |
validate-xml-identifier |
Please enter a valid XML-identifier. For example something_1, block5, id-4 |
validate-ssn |
Please enter a valid social security number. For example 123-45-6789. |
validate-zip |
Please enter a valid zip code. For example 90602 or 90602-1234. |
validate-date-au |
Please use this date format: dd/mm/yyyy. For example 17/03/2006 for the 17th of March, 2006. |
validate-currency-dollar |
Please enter a valid $ amount. For example $100.00. |
validate-one-required |
Please select one of the above options. |
validate-one-required-by-name |
Please select one of the options. |
validate-not-negative-number |
Please enter a valid number in this field. |
validate-state |
Please select State/Province. |
validate-new-password |
Please enter 6 or more characters. Leading or trailing spaces will be ignored. |
validate-greater-than-zero |
Please enter a number greater than 0 in this field. |
validate-zero-or-greater |
Please enter a number 0 or greater in this field. |
validate-cc-number |
Please enter a valid credit card number. |
validate-cc-type |
Credit card number doesn\’t match credit card type |
validate-cc-type-select |
Card type doesn\’t match credit card number |
validate-cc-exp |
Incorrect credit card expiration date |
validate-cc-cvn |
Please enter a valid credit card verification number. |
validate-data |
Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9) or underscore(_) in this field, first character should be a letter. |
validate-css-length |
Please input a valid CSS-length. For example 100px or 77pt or 20em or .5ex or 50% |
validate-length |
Maximum length exceeded. |