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Magento Installation Problems and Solutions

  1. #1
    Junior Member ccvv's Avatar
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    Post Magento Installation Problems and Solutions

    There are a few things that can trip you up when installing Magento. When you run into one of these, it can be a cause for real frustration because Magento is not very enlightening about what went wrong. Typically you get the error page that tells you to read the error report (dump), and that’s not a great place for someone new to Magento to be sent.

    I’ll quickly cover three problems that I’ve had to help people with recently:

    Problem 1: Can’t Login to Magento Admin after Installation

    So you ran through the whole Magento installation. You can get to the front end homepage, but when you click on the link to go to the backend, you cannot login using the admin account you created.

    This can happen for a couple of reasons, neither are really Magneto related. They are due to browser limitations or a server misconfiguration.

    Solution A

    If you are using the Firefox browser, it has a problem setting cookies on domain names that do not have a “.” in them. Unfortunately for this one, you’ll have to delete your installation and start over. Choose one of these options:

    1. Add a fake domain entry (like “ computer.local”) to your computer’s local host file.
    2. Install using the IP address for your computer; OR
    3. Use the localhost IP address –;
    4. And start the installation over.

    Note: Of course if you’re handy with phpMyAdmin, you could just go and edit the core_config_data table and change the base_url entries to, but editing the Magneto database directly is only for the brave.

    Solution B

    Check that the date and time are set correctly on your Magento server. If the server is out of sync with the real time by several hours, then the login cookie sent to your browser may be expired before you even get to use it. Have your system admin check and correct the time on your server.

    Problem 2: There Has Been an Error Processing Your Request

    Invalid URI Supplied

    When installing using the installation wizard, after submitting the second screen where you enter the locale information, you get an Error Report screen. Looking in the var/reports directory there will be an error report file that contains something like:

    a:5:{i:0;s:20:"Invalid URI supplied";i:1;s:3338:"#0 /var/www/html/magento_test/dev/lib/Zend/Uri.php(143): Zend_Uri_Http->__construct('http', '//dev.magento_t...')
    #1 /var/www/html/magento_test/dev/app/code/core/Mage/Install/Model/Installer/Config.php(111): Zend_Uri::factory('http://dev.mage...')
    #2 /var/www/html/magento_test/dev/app/code/core/Mage/Install/Block/Config.php(59): Mage_Install_Model_Installer_Config->getFormData()
    #3 /var/www/html/magento_test/dev/app/design/install/default/default/template/install/config.phtml(45): Mage_Install_Block_Config->getFormData()
    #4 /var/www/html/magento_test/dev/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Block/Template.php(214): include('/var/www/html/m...')


    Magento will throw this error if you have an underscore character “_” in the domain name. Change the domain name and it will install correctly.
    In the example above, the user tried to install using the domain name “”. Changing the domain name to “” fixed the problem and Magento installed without any further hitches.

    Problem 3: Fatal Error: Maximum Execution Time of xx Seconds Exceeded

    When installing using the installation wizard on PC (in XAMPP, WAMP or similar LAMP environment), after submitting the third screen where you enter the database information, you get a timeout error from Apache.


    At this point Magento is creating its initial database. Since that database has over 300 tables in it, this process can take a long time. In fact, depending on your PC, this step can take 10 or more minutes to complete. The only way to get this this step to complete is to change php’s timeout and the memory settings.
    To do this, edit the php.ini file (look in the php directory in the WAMP/XAMPP install directory) and change the following values:
    max_input_time = 1800
    max_execution_time = 1800
    memory_limit = 1024M

    Make sure to restart Apache after changing these values.

    One Final Tip

    Sometimes things just go wrong. Relax, don’t bang your head against a flawed install. If something mysterious happens, the first thing to try is to just delete the install and start over. You don’t have anything invested in it yet, so give Magento a second chance and start fresh.
    Greg Croasdill(

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  2. The Following User Says Thank You to ccvv For This Useful Post:

    david (24-03-2013)

  3. #2
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    I think

    memory_limit = 1024M

    It only work in case your RAM >= 1024 or it doesn't make sense, but magento require RAM at least 512MB so that this should be to 512 or above.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to david For This Useful Post:

    shunavi (24-03-2013)

  5. #3
    Moderator shunavi's Avatar
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    I meet the same problem when I install . Thanks

  6. #4
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    A common error occurs when you run the following commands to install sample data in installing Magento 2 via Composer.
    php bin/magento sampledata:deploy
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    After installing Sample data, you get the following message. “Please re-run Magento compile command”. Enter the following command to fix this.

    php bin/magento setup:di:compile

    Wait for the command to complete.

    Reference: Magento 2 Installation Guide

  7. #5
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    This tutorial will show you solutions to some of the most common Magento issues that users face when managing their online shops.
    This tutorial covers the following topics:
    How to configure Magento to work with a new domain
    How to reset the Magento admin password
    How to enable SEF URLs in Magento
    How to speed up Magento
    How to redirect Magento to open through www
    How to disable the Compare products functionality
    How to set up a blog in Magento
    How to add a Contact Us form in Magento
    How to fix the "Access Denied" message in the Magento admin area
    How to set a custom group of users with a discount in a Magento store
    How to configure Magento to work with a new domain

    There are two things you should do in order to configure Magento to work with a new domain:

    Edit the Magento database

    Go to your cPanel > phpMyAdmin. Select your Magento database from the left menu, find the table called core_config_data and click on it. Click the Browse tab and edit the first two fields:


    by clicking the pen icon in front of each of them. Replace your old domain name with your new one and click the Go button to save the change.

    Clear the Magento cache.

    The Magento cache folder is located in your Magento installation directory > /var/cache. To clear the cache, simply delete the folder.

    Many Magento issues can be fixed just by deleting the cache.
    How to reset Magento Admin Password

    To change your Magento admin password, go to your cPanel > phpMyAdmin, select your Magento database, click the SQL tab and paste this query:

    UPDATE admin_user SET password=CONCAT(MD5('sGnewpass'), ':sG') WHERE username='AdminUsername';

    Note: You have to change newpass in the MD5('sGnewpass') with your new password, and change *AdminUsername* to your Magento admin username.

    Execute the query by clicking the Go button and your password will be changed.
    How to enable Search Engine Friendly URLs in Magento

    To enable Search Engine Friendly URLs in Magento, you have to log in to the Magento administration area and click on the Configuration button. Under the System navigation menu, switch to Web page from the sub-navigation panel on the left.

    When the page loads, you will see blue lines which represent closed options tablets. Click on the Search Engines Optimization tab and turn on the Use Web Server Rewrites (mark as Yes). Click on the Save Config button and your Magento SEF URLs will be enabled.
    How to speed up Magento

    Many Magento issues are caused by slow performance. The recommended way to speed up Magento's performance is to enable its Compilation function. The performance increase is between 25%-50% on page loads.

    You can enable Magento Compilation from your Magento admin panel > System > Tools > Compilation.
    How to redirect Magento to open through www

    For SEO and usability purposes you may want to redirect your visitors to open your site only through www (

    To do this in Magento, you should open the .htaccess file in the folder where your Magento is installed. In it locate the RewriteEngine on line and right after it add the following lines:

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

    Once you do this, save the .htaccess file and log in to the Magento admin area > System > Configuration menu and from the left panel click the Web button.

    Unfold the Unsecured set of options and change the Base URL option from to

    Save the changes and your Magento will start working through only!
    How to disable the Compare products functionality

    You can disable the Compare products functionality in Magento by following these steps:

    Edit app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Helper/Product/Compare.php and change the following code:

    public function getAddUrl($product){return $this->_getUrl(’catalog/product_compare/add’, $this->_getUrlParams($product));}


    public function getAddUrl($product){//return $this->_getUrl(’catalog/product_compare/add’, $this->_getUrlParams($product)); return false;}

    Edit ./app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/catalog.xml (if you are using a different Magento theme, enter its name instead of default) and change the following code:

    <block type="catalog/product_compare_sidebar" before="cart_sidebar" name="" template="catalog/product/compare/sidebar.phtml"/>


    <!-- <block type="catalog/product_compare_sidebar" before="cart_sidebar" name="" template="catalog/product/compare/sidebar.phtml"/> -->

    Flush the Magento cache from your Magento admin area > System > Cache Management.

    How to set up a blog in Magento

    It is not difficult to set up a blog in Magento. However, note that this functionality is not included by default and you will have to use a custom extension to add it.

    You can search Magento Connect for an extension that will fully suit your needs. One of the popular free extensions that you can use is the Magento Blog – Community Edition.

    All Magento extensions are installed in a similar way that is thoroughly explained in our Magento Connect Tutorial.

    Once the extension is installed, you will have one additional section in the top menu of your Magento admin area called Blog. From there you can adjust the newly-installed Blog settings, add posts etc.
    How to add a Contact Us form in Magento

    Magento includes contact form functionality by default. A link to a contact form can usually be found in the footer of your Magento installation.

    Of course, you can add a contact form on any page. All you need to do is:

    Log in to the administrator area.
    Go to CMS > Pages.
    Select the page you want to edit or create a new page.

    Paste the following code using the HTML option of the WYSIWYG editor:

    <!– CONTACT FORM CODE BEGIN–>{{block type='core/template' name='contactForm' template='contacts/form.phtml'}}<!– CONTACT FORM CODE END–>

    Save the changes and the contact form will appear on the desired page.
    "Access denied" issue

    As a solution to the "Access denied" issue, you should log out from the Magento admin area and then log in again.

    If the above does not help, you should reset the admin privileges. This can be done through the Magento admin area > System > Permissions > Roles > Administrators.

    Click on the Role Resources option from the left menu and make sure that Resource Access is set to All.

    Click on the Save Role button and the permissions will be reset.
    How to set a custom group of users

    You can add a new group from the Magento admin area > Customers > Customer Groups > Add New Customer Group.

    Once a customer registers, you can change the group he/she belongs to from the Magento admin area > Customers > Manage Customers. Click on the Edit link next to the customer and change the group from the Account Information > Customer Group. Click Save Customer.

    Set the discount from Promotions > Catalog Price Rules > Add New Rule.

    In the Customer Groups select the customers' groups for which the promotion is valid. Enter the other details, set the rule actions and conditions. Finally, click Save Rule.

    The above ten tips will hopefully help you resolve at least some of the Magento issues you have faced or are about to face.

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    Installing Any Sample Data After the Installation of the Magento 2 System. ...
    Clearing the Theme or the CSS Cache. ...
    Re-indexing Procedures. ...
    Removing the Block From the New Layout. ...
    How to set the Developer Mode.

  9. #7
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    Re: Installing Magento 2 Installation Problem in Magento_Configurable Sample Data @ %67 · Locate your php.ini utilizing a phpinfo.

  10. #8
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    In today's digital age, the security of our devices is paramount. With the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, users must stay vigilant against potential scams and malicious activities. One common form of digital deception involves fake security warnings, such as fraudulent Apple spyware alerts. These misleading messages are designed to create panic, deceive users, and potentially compromise their personal information. This article provides an in-depth exploration of fake Apple security warnings, how to identify them, and what steps to take if you encounter one.

    Recognizing Fake Apple Security Warnings:

    Fake Apple security warnings often appear as pop-ups or banners on your screen, claiming that your device is infected with spyware or other malware. These warnings are typically crafted to look like legitimate messages from Apple, using official logos, language, and design elements to deceive users. Common features of these fake warnings include:

    Urgency and Alarmism: The message may use urgent language, such as "Immediate Action Required" or "Critical Security Alert," to create a sense of panic and compel users to act quickly without thinking.
    Threats of Severe Consequences: The warning might claim that your device will be locked, your data will be deleted, or you will face legal consequences if you don't address the issue immediately.
    Requests for Personal Information: Fake warnings often prompt users to provide personal information, such as passwords or credit card details, to "resolve" the supposed security issue.
    Links to Suspicious Websites: The warning may include links to fraudulent websites or contact numbers that lead to scammers seeking to exploit users.
    If you encounter a suspicious message, it’s crucial to remain calm and avoid taking any immediate action based on the warning alone. For more details on recognizing and dealing with fake security warnings, visit Apple Spyware Warning.

    Steps to Take When You Encounter a Fake Apple Security Warning:

    If you come across a fake Apple security warning, follow these steps to protect yourself and your device:

    Do Not Interact with the Warning: Avoid clicking on any links or buttons within the warning message. Engaging with the message may lead you to phishing sites or trigger unwanted downloads.

    Close the Warning Safely: If possible, close the warning by using the task manager or force-quitting the browser. Do not use the "Close" or "X" buttons within the warning itself, as they may be designed to execute malicious actions.

    Check for Genuine Alerts: Verify whether the warning is legitimate by visiting Apple's official support website or contacting Apple Support directly. Do not use contact information provided in the suspicious message.

    Run a Security Scan: Use a reputable antivirus or anti-malware program to scan your device for any potential threats. Ensure that your security software is up-to-date to detect and remove any malicious software.

    Clear Browser Data: If the warning appeared while browsing, clear your browser’s cache, cookies, and history to remove any traces of the fraudulent site.

    Update Your System: Make sure your operating system and applications are updated to the latest versions. Security updates often include patches for vulnerabilities that could be exploited by scammers.

    Change Your Passwords: If you entered any personal information or credentials as a result of the warning, change your passwords immediately. Use strong, unique passwords for each account and enable two-factor authentication where possible.

    Report the Incident: Report the fake security warning to Apple and relevant authorities. This helps in tracking and mitigating ongoing phishing and scam attempts.

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