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Magento Store Credit

  1. #1
    Junior Member Cms_ideas's Avatar
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    Default Magento Store Credit

    Continuing success of Magento Reward Point Pro, Cmsideas is proud to introduce new extension: Magento Store Credit, which can help you attract more potential customers and encourages repeat customers to buy more than other.

    With Magento Store Credit, you can easily establish an internal credit payment system, manage your customers’ credit funds, select the checkout attributes the internal credits can be applied to. In addition, customers can share or sell their reward points to anyone. That helps customers use their internal store credits more effectively, and also bring you a bigger amount active shoppers.

    1. Benefits

    Generate a bigger amount of sales
    Attract potential customers and encourages repeat customers to buy more than other
    Magento Store Credit helps customer use their internal store credits more effectively

    2. Admin Features

    Admin can establish an internal credit payment system
    Manage credit rules and recharge codes on admin panel
    Allow users to create a product for a certain amount of credits and sell them to customers

    3. Customer Features

    Automate process of adding credits to a customer’s account
    Customers can use their internal credits to buy products were applied to
    Allow customers to generate code and share their reward points to anyone

    4. Configuration

    Choose the types of credit product
    Set an exchange rate for internal store credits
    Configure email, recharge codes and expiration date
    Assign customer groups with the authority to use loyalty points

    Product details: Magento Store Credit Extension | Live DEMO
    View More Our Extensions:

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  2. #2
    Junior Member Cms_ideas's Avatar
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