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flat table product

  1. #1
    New member mat's Avatar
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    Unhappy flat table product


    Flat product table, once enabled should be used solely to display a product.
    Am I wrong ?

    So, if I add attributes, how can I add these in the flat tables..?

    example of a line I get on catalog_product_flat on my website:

    entity_id ; 268232
    attribute_set_id ; 9
    type_id ; simple
    availability_titelive ; 6
    cost ; NULL
    created_at ; 08/05/2014 13:55
    credit_amount ; NULL
    enable_googlecheckout ; 1
    fb_product ; NULL
    gift_message_available ; NULL
    has_options ; 0
    image_label ; NULL
    is_recurring ; NULL
    links_exist ; NULL
    links_purchased_separately ; NULL
    links_title ; NULL
    msrp ; NULL
    msrp_display_actual_price_type ; NULL
    msrp_enabled ; NULL
    name ; Mon Bloc De Dessin 3d &#59; Special Filles
    news_from_date ; NULL
    news_to_date ; NULL
    price ; 130.0000
    price_type ; NULL
    price_view ; NULL
    publication_date_titelive ; 01/12/2015 00:00
    recurring_profile ; NULL
    required_options ; 0
    shipment_type ; NULL
    short_description ; Une nouvelle collection de kits totalement inédite avec tout le matériel pour créer des images en 3 dimensions &#
    sku ; 9782215109372
    sku_type ; NULL
    small_image ; NULL
    small_image_label ; NULL
    special_from_date ; NULL
    special_price ; NULL
    special_to_date ; NULL
    tax_class_id ; 0
    thumbnail ; NULL
    thumbnail_label ; NULL
    updated_at ; 02/09/2014 16:57
    url_key ; mon-bloc-de-dessin-3d-special-filles
    url_path ; mon-bloc-de-dessin-3d-special-filles.html
    visibility ; 4
    weight ; 283.0000
    weight_type ; NULL

    etc..What I infer from this is the flat table isn't correctly getting all the new attributes I added. And (since the product page displays correctly that magento will look for what is missing using INNER JOIN). Great but best would be that all fields are correctly fed.

    Thanks for your help.


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  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Hi, I recently started using flat product tables in Magento. It drastically sped up the site load time and I could never go back (to learn how to enable flat product and category tables, visit the following link and read Tip 4 -

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