We have a script on our server which generates the Google Shopping Feed with php.

$products = Mage::getModel(\'catalog/product\')->getCollection()->addStoreFilter($storeId)
                ->addAttributeToFilter(\'status\', 1)
                ->addAttributeToFilter(\'visibility\', $visibility)

        foreach ($products as $arrayKey => $productId) {
With around 14,000 products currently we have just under 1,000 which are configurables with 2 simples beneath them - one for parts only warranty and one for parts and labour warranty.

This needs to be done rather than using a custom option in order to work with third party software we use.

The problem is that our shopping feed sees these as duplicate items; their only difference being the SKU (..._P for parts only and ..._F for full warranty).

Can anyone suggest how I can exclude these products from the shopping feed. The easiest would be best as although I can read and write short code snippets I am not massively confident with majorly altering large PHP files.

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